106 D cigarette lighter

Discussion in 'Peugeot 106' started by smith1015, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. smith1015

    smith1015 Guest

    I have a 106 Mardi Gras diesel and want to fit a cigarettes lighter (power
    source for phone charger etc). There is a space for it on the dash, can
    anyone tell me if it's a difficult job for a total amateur?
    Many thanks,

    smith1015, Apr 28, 2006
  2. smith1015

    G.T Guest

    It shouldn't be a problem. Remove the plastic plate which hides the cig.
    lighter hole (should be in the ashtray), you'll find the wiring & connector
    around here too (you'll need to remove the ashtray, but that's not a big
    I'm pretty sure it's the same job on a 106 than on a 205 - done that on my
    '93 Junior.

    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : www.205d.com
    G.T, Apr 28, 2006
  3. It was 1995 when I did ours, so the details are a bit hazy :)
    All the wiring is in place (there is a connector behind the hole that
    just plugs into the lighter), but as I remember you have to pull the big
    bit of fascia plastic that surrounds the lighter hole (and radio, etc)
    forward enough to fit the lighter behind it (the lighter is sandwiched
    between that and the frame of the dashboard). It's not a difficult or
    long job, but you need to undo a few screws to get that fascia either
    fully removed or loose enough to be able to slide the lighter behind it.

    Again, from memory, there are a couple of screws in the ashtray,
    removing these you may have enough "give" in the fascia to do the job
    (that was how I did ours, but be careful not to pull the plastic too
    hard). To give you more space, you can pull off the ventilation fan
    control knob and remove the screw under there, pull the ventilation
    control knobs straight out, then the plate that they sit on (printed
    with the blue/red temperature etc) will come off, then another couple of
    screws beneath that let you pull the facia far enough forward to do the
    job easily. The hardest part is pulling off the ventilation fan control
    knob - I used a piece of card inside the jaws of some pliers to give me
    the grip needed without damaging the plastic surface.

    Matthew Haigh, Apr 28, 2006
  4. smith1015

    Brian Guest

    All of the above, plus you should get the proper peugeot cigar lighter
    socket, as it fits better, though it does cost a bit more.
    Brian, May 1, 2006
  5. smith1015

    smith1015 Guest

    Many thanks for the advice, I will visit local Peugeot dealer then give it a
    smith1015, May 2, 2006
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