106 GTI misfires on light throttle

Discussion in 'Peugeot 106' started by Graeme Bunyan, Aug 6, 2003.

  1. Hi,

    If I'm touching the throttle very lightly (for instance, trying to go exactly
    30mph in 3rd, particularly when going downhill and I barely have to touch the
    pedal), the car feels as if:

    a) it's misfiring
    b) fuel is coming through in spurts, or
    c) the ecu can't decide whether the gas pedal is pressed or not, so it
    alternates between the two once or twice a second.

    These are just my non-technical guesses, it could be something completely
    unrelated. It's pretty violent in the lower gears (in first, it feels as
    though I'm taking my foot on and off the gas pedal repeatedly). To get past
    the problem, I give it a little more gas, but since this propels me towards the
    car in front much faster, I have to back off for a bit, then accelerate again,
    so I end up sort of kangarooing along the road... I have the throttle cable
    set up pretty slack (I think it's about 4 notches down from being too tight) so
    it's reasonably smooth, but even when it's tighter I have the same problem.

    My car's a 98S - any ideas what this might be? It bugs the hell out of me, but
    any time I'm at the garage it's usually okay :(

    Graeme Bunyan, Aug 6, 2003
  2. Graeme Bunyan

    Rich D Guest

    Likely candidates are...

    - Lambda Sensor
    - MAP Sensor
    - Throttle Potentiometer

    Get it to the dealer and have it hooked up to the diagnostic computer, this
    will tell you the problem and you can get it sorted before you do any
    Rich D, Aug 6, 2003
  3. Graeme Bunyan

    scott Guest

    Strange this cos mine does this and it really gets on my tits. You
    will pull along in traffic at about 5 to 10mph and then let of the
    pedal, the car slows then suddenly SLOWS like i put on the brake or
    someone suffocated the car. Does it in other gears too. I just put
    it down to a pretty screwed up car. Have no idea what it is, tried
    injector treatment, changed map sensor, changed air filter and oil,
    plugs, adjusted throttle thingy and it still does it. I tend to get my
    own back cos i periodically floor the shite out of it to try and clear
    it to no avail. Mind you I have a 95 306 XT and they had fuel probs.
    Mine pinks like hell in summer and I cant do a thing about it. Im
    looking for an engine transplant, problem solved phone soon type
    solution to an otherwise obscure problem.

    scott, Aug 8, 2003
  4. Graeme Bunyan

    scott Guest

    When mine started to pink I went to Peugeot. I over time went to
    Peugeot 5 times for the same thing, although after a couple of times
    they said I needed a new map sensor which I gladly bought and it
    reduced my pinking by no end. My car doesnt like heat and as soon as
    the needle goes over 90 degrees it pinks under medium acceleration or
    up hills. In the end Peugeot tell me its the grade of petrol i use
    and the fact that i used Tesco petrol. I used other petrol from
    elsewhere and it DID get better but didnt go away. I just put up with
    it now but have read in a few places that the 1.6 XT had finniky fuel
    probs so I just put up with it now. Sounds awful in a built up area

    Apparently it seems that old methods are still used to diagnose
    problems. They get a fault code which tells the mechanics where the
    prob is and then they go through all the possible combinations which
    could be causing the problem. I dont go to peugeot now, unless its
    for something that i feel requires a genuine peugeot part regardless
    if the equivalent can be bought elsewhere for cheaper.

    If you take your pug to ur dealer they will give u a list of things ur
    prob could be. Lambda sensor, nok sensor, map sensor, air filter,
    oil, plugs, grade of petrol, all of these things they will GUESS at,
    all of which are not cheap and all of which rely on something else for
    it to do its job properly. Ive tried all of these listed remedies and
    none worked. Seems that its just "one of those things".

    happy happy joy joy!

    scott, Aug 10, 2003
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