106 Ignition Barrel Lock

Discussion in 'Peugeot 106' started by Mark \(UK\), Apr 11, 2004.

  1. Mark \(UK\)

    Mark \(UK\) Guest

    Has anyone else experienced intermittent problems with the ignition
    barrel/steering wheel lock jamming on a 106?

    Every couple of weeks the lock fails to release when trying to turn the key
    to start the engine, and no amount of key/wheel waggling frees it. We
    normally have to hit the lock barrel with a hammer and apply a lot of WD40
    to free it, but it is never a quick process. Don't really want to replace
    the lock, because then we'll have two keys and the car might be harder to

    Any ideas?

    Mark \(UK\), Apr 11, 2004
  2. You should be able to ask for a new ignition lock/steering barrel lock,
    fromthe dealer with your original keycode, from the original key.
    i know you can do that with fords, failing that, you could buy whats known
    as a lock kit, a complete kit with a new pair of door locks, a new boot lock
    and a new ignition lock, dunno how much it costs but they are cheaper in the
    long run than buying individual locks each time, and it'll keep you with one
    set of keys.
    M. H. Greaves, Apr 11, 2004
  3. Mark \(UK\)

    Nigel Guest

    This is true, though the new ignition lock will take about 6 weeks to
    come through from France!
    I should think a complete lock set would be the best part of 100 quid.
    Nigel, Apr 11, 2004
  4. well, yes, erm, very probably, but i know with fords, the lasttime i bought
    a new lock, the lock kit was about £82 but by then i had replaced the
    drivers door, the passengers door, the petrol lock, (only for that to sieze
    again less than a year later!), and the boot lock all independently, at
    about £15 - £20 a time, it would have been cheaper but the locks all went at
    different times, and inevitably i had a big bunch of keys to handle and had
    to remember which one did what lock!?
    It may still be cheaper even if it is about £100, but you could allways
    price the locks individually, and see how much they all come to.
    It must though be better than farting and faffing about the way it is at
    present, (no offence meant here - just a turn of phrase), it must be worth
    but i know what youre saying.
    regards, mark.
    M. H. Greaves, Apr 11, 2004
  5. Mark \(UK\)

    Mark \(UK\) Guest

    Also it is one of the better trim models, and has remote control central
    locking. A replacement key alone is therefore £70 because it has the
    transmitter in. For this reason a lock set is out of the question really.
    Hoping to solve the problem through other means.
    Mark \(UK\), Apr 16, 2004
  6. Why not buy a new lock and change the combination on that, to take your
    existing key!??
    M. H. Greaves, Apr 16, 2004
  7. Mark \(UK\)

    Mark \(UK\) Guest

    How do you mean? getting one made on special order from Peugeot?
    Mark \(UK\), Apr 16, 2004
  8. No, do it your self!!, just buy a new ignition lock and do the recoce your
    self, its a tricky job mind; but i used to do it on fords.
    you have to strip the lock down carefully so you know how it all goes back
    together and all the parts go back in the right way, the tumblers etc.
    p'raps not?!
    it was just an idea thats all, regards.
    M. H. Greaves, Apr 16, 2004
  9. Mark \(UK\)

    G.T Guest

    Well, if you change your barrel lock, you may buy a brand new one (that's
    what I would do), so buy a genuine Peugeot part. No price excess if you want
    it to match your old key. My brother's done it with a 205 fuel cap, ordered
    the key that fits (he had only one key with his used car, only opening
    driver door & ignition), and that was all right.
    G.T, Apr 21, 2004
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