106 XND consuming masses of coolant.

Discussion in 'Peugeot 106' started by Mark, Jul 10, 2003.

  1. Mark

    Mark Guest


    My 'L' reg 106 XND 1.4 has recently started guzzling a _full_ expansion tank
    of coolant, every time I take it out. I've discovered that the tank isn't leaking,
    by simply leaving it over night. However, when I start the car up, a nozzle on
    the side of the coolant expasnion tank screwcap lets out coolant. This happens
    within maybe 20 seconds of starting the car, so I don't think it's overheating or
    reaching a very high pressure. Could the screwcap be faulty, or is this caused
    by something else?

    Thanks for yur time.
    Mark, Jul 10, 2003
  2. Mark

    djimbo Guest

    Could be head gasket going/gone.

    djimbo, Jul 10, 2003
  3. Mark

    Rich D Guest

    Probably the head gasket mate... :(

    Same thing happened to my Mum's one.
    Rich D, Jul 10, 2003
  4. Mark

    SimonDS Guest

    headgasket more than likely. Simple test is with the engine warm and no
    pressure in the expansion bottle start the engine. run it for 2 minutes and
    then open the expansion bottle. It shouldn't have too much pressure. also
    check the oil. Is is clear or have creamy streaks in it. The cream is water
    in the oil. Is the water clear or brown and oily?
    It isn't a totally bastard job to change the head gasket if you know a
    little about cars. About 4 hours work max. Gaskets about £7

    SimonDS, Jul 10, 2003
  5. Mark

    Mark Guest

    Ok, thanks for your help. I'll look into this, and let you know how I get on.
    Thanks again.

    Mark, Jul 11, 2003
  6. Mark

    Ryan Gillett Guest

    headgasket more than likely. Simple test is with the engine warm and no
    Unless it needs skimming :(
    I fear mine has gone.. expansion bottle has a creamyish layer of oil-like
    stuff around the edge.
    Other than that no signs, but.. thats proof enough really.

    Im pretty sure it blew when the radiator emptied itself out of the heater
    return pipe on the way home.
    Ryan Gillett, Jul 11, 2003
  7. Mark

    Mark Guest

    Yeah, it turns out the coolant is dirty from the oil, it has streaks in it
    like somebody mentioned. I've been quoted £500 to £600 for the
    repairs, which is probably more than the car is worth now.

    What are my options for getting rid of it? It's my first car.

    Mark, Jul 11, 2003
  8. Mark

    Tony Bond Guest

    The replacement of a head gasket isn't the most difficult job in the world.
    Why not invest £50-60 in a gasket set and manual and give it a go ?
    Tony Bond, Jul 11, 2003
  9. Mark

    Matt Guest

    I went to an independent garage for the head gasket on my 205 and, including
    skimming costs and labour came to 265 quid as follows...

    1 Set Head Bolts £ 17.06
    1 Gasket Set £ 34.40
    2 Ltrs Antifreeze £ 6.00
    Specialist Charges £ 45.00
    (Head Skim)
    Labour £123.75
    (4.5Hrs @ £27.50)
    Net Total £226.21
    VAT £ 39.58
    Invoice Total £265.79

    500 - 600 sounds very excessive!

    1991 Peugeot 205 Roland Garros Cabriolet
    TU3S 1.4 Carb
    2003 - Happy 20th Birthday Peugeot 205
    Matt, Jul 11, 2003
  10. Mark

    Mark Guest

    I'm not all that good a mechanic to be honest. I have the Haynes
    manual for the 106, and this job in particular looks to be the single
    hardest, and longest task in the manual. Is it easier than it looks?

    Mark, Jul 11, 2003
  11. Mark

    Mark Guest

    Ok, I've had a brief look at the car today, dismantled some bits
    and pieces of the engine, and managed to put it all back together,
    with no pieces left over : )

    I was under the impression the gasket head would be somewhere
    near the topmost parts of the engine, maybe just underneath the
    air filtering bits, but I couldn't see it. Maybe I'll take another look
    tomorrow, now that I'm more confident in what I'm doing.

    I've seen the new gasket head bits for about £30 for my Diesel
    model 1.4 '93, I'm guessing the ones for about £7 would be
    second-hand right?

    What is this 'skimming' somebody else mentioned?

    Thanks for all your help.

    Mark, Jul 11, 2003
  12. Mark

    SimonDS Guest

    Skimming costs £23.50 at Rotherham Rebore.

    SimonDS, Jul 11, 2003
  13. Mark

    SimonDS Guest

    My local garage quotes £125 to replace head gasket including having it
    Skimming involves the bottom of the head being lathed flat again as
    sometimes if the gasket blows and the head gets hot it warps slightly (0.5mm
    for instance) and so a the two halves of the engine don't meet perfectly.
    This is because the lower half is cast iron and the head is alloy. However
    if the engine hasn't overheated and the gasket failure is simply an age
    thing you 'may' get away with it. My wifes Punto (81k on clock) head gasket
    blew last week. The overheat light came on too with no water in the bottle)
    Cost £5 for the gasket and 4 hours of my time (including a fair few
    ciggies). Runs spot on now. If you're not confident then get a garage to do
    it but shop around. Like i said £125 i was quoted for the Punto.

    SimonDS, Jul 11, 2003
  14. Mark

    Mark Guest

    That sounds more reasonable. The £500 to £600 quid I was quoted is from
    a Peugeot garage here in Manchester. I think I'll try a few others, and see how
    I fare.
    I don't think its overheated. I don't have an owners manual for the car, so
    I'm not sure which overheating light to look for. I'm pretty sure no warning
    light has been lit. So either it hasn't overheated, or the overheating light is
    broken too : )
    That sounds even more reasonable : ) Is the gasket new for £5? Like I was
    saying, I've been poking around in there today, and the car still works, so I
    might attempt the whole thing myself, and maybe see if I can snag a mate to
    lend some help. It'll depend really on how I fare ringing garages.

    Thanks for your help everyone.

    Mark, Jul 11, 2003
  15. Mark

    Ryan Gillett Guest

    Including labour, etc?
    But then, living in Bristol, its gonna cost me the extra in fuel to get
    Ryan Gillett, Jul 12, 2003
  16. Mark

    Mark Guest

    I've phoned every local garage I could find in the Yellow Pages. That's
    16 in all. For almost half, there was no answer, or I ended up talking to
    a machine. 5 were either unable to help, or unable to provide any service
    (including quotes) until monday. One is going to check parts prices and
    ring me back. Leaving just three, that were prepared to give quotes. All
    3 of which sounded unreasonable and excessive. I also have a very broad
    range of different quotes now...

    Quote #1: £500 - £600! (Peugeot garage yesterday).
    Quote #2: £240.
    Quote #3: £250 - £300.
    Qoute #4 £330 - £350

    All 3 incidentally insisted that skimming would _have_ to be done, each
    of them citing a different excuse. One said that not skimming was just
    shoddy workmanship. Another said that not skimming often means the
    job doesn't last long, and has to be redone, and the third didn't seem to
    know why he advocated it. I mentioned in every case, that the car (to
    the best of my knowledge) had not overheated. None of them seemed
    to care. Interesting too they should insist on doing a job that is very tricky
    to check up on. I think I can be roughly certain, I'll be charged for it
    whether the skimming is performed or not : (

    2 of the 3 giving quotes were also charging for an oil change, which if I
    understand correctly _must_ be done anyway, as part of the gasket head
    replacement. Same with the coolant. I think I'll leave my own oil and cool
    -ant in the boot when I take the car in, and tell them to use that, rather than
    overcharge me for something I already own.

    Can anyone recomment an honest garage, near central Manchester?

    Mark, Jul 12, 2003
  17. Mark

    SimonDS Guest

    yep, including vat and labour


    SimonDS, Jul 12, 2003
  18. Mark

    Lostin1999 Guest

    Just had one done (locally) for a friend at £200 including new cambelt (good
    job to do at same time apparently)


    Lostin1999, Jul 13, 2003
  19. Mark

    G.T Guest

    The second one is right : even if the car hasn't overheated, a head control
    (and skimming if necessary) is safe : it can be disformed even without
    having suffered from an overheat, which, if not corrected, could mean a
    quasi-instantly second head gasket to change. In general, the coolant is
    changed too, because of its interval of 24 months.
    G.T, Jul 14, 2003
  20. Mark

    G.T Guest

    True, and I forgot to mention that a cambelt kit (including tensioner) sould
    come with, as the cambelt has probably be used... A used cambelt (over 3000
    miles, they said) should be changed.
    G.T, Jul 14, 2003
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