106 XND knocking sound....

Discussion in 'Peugeot 106' started by p.cowburn, Aug 7, 2006.

  1. p.cowburn

    p.cowburn Guest

    I have a 1.5 XND Diesel (105,000 miles).

    The car runs fine until it warms up (after 10 mins or so) and
    then there is a knocking sound from the engine as i accelerate in
    1st and second gear only. The knocking disappears after a couple of
    of acceleration and the car seems to run fine with no loss of power or
    other untoward effects. If i accelerate very slowly the knocking does
    happen or is quieter...any adeas on what could be causing this and is
    it serious....cheers
    p.cowburn, Aug 7, 2006
  2. Could be pre-ignition caused by a carbon build up.... You tried a decoke
    John Ricketts, Aug 7, 2006
  3. p.cowburn

    p.cowburn Guest

    Is that easy to do John? cos i'm a bit of a novice....
    p.cowburn, Aug 7, 2006
  4. Yep....just go to a car accessory shop and ask about decoke treatments. You
    usually squirt them in the sparkplug/glowplug holes, leave to soak overnight
    and then fire it up (before it get light :) the following morning.....when
    the fog clears its done!

    Might be a red herring though....I'd hang around for a bit for a
    second/third opinion.....
    John Ricketts, Aug 7, 2006
  5. p.cowburn

    Chris Guest

    try and give it a clean out ,with carbon cleaner.can buy it at any place
    Chris, Aug 7, 2006
  6. p.cowburn

    Brian Guest

    The other approach is to put some injector cleaner in the tank, then go and
    find a quiet bit of road, and (assuming that the cam belt is not past it's
    sell-by date) drive it flat out in second for 20 seconds or so. Put your
    foot to the floor and keep it there. You will see smoke in your mirror to
    start with but it will clear.
    Otherwise known as an Italian tune-up.
    Brian, Aug 8, 2006
  7. p.cowburn

    Chris Guest

    Why put some injector cleaner in the tank just add the whole
    bottle.cant do any harm. just smoke like some of the buses round here.
    Chris from Addlestone Surrey.
    Chris, Aug 8, 2006
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