1999 406 1.8 Petrol clutch

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by John Duffey, Jul 7, 2006.

  1. John Duffey

    John Duffey Guest

    Hi all,

    Just a quick question about the clutch on my 406.

    Far too often at the moment I'm finding it difficult to engage second when
    changing down. I press in the clutch, come out of gear just dandy
    (anywhere between 2k and 4k rpm) and be unable to engage second without
    fully releasing the clutch with the box in neutral, pressing the clutch
    again and engaging second.

    No big deal, just a bit of double declutching you say. Bit of an annoyance
    when the syncromesh should be doing that for me. Talking of syncromeshes -
    it's not just the case of having to match revs to engage second - if I
    leave the clutch down (without releasing) until the revs drop I'll still
    be unable to engage.

    I've got 135k on the clock, so it's probably time for a new box anyway,
    but I'm hoping it might be something relatively straight forward like
    needing to tighten the clutch cable.

    Any advice welcomed.

    John Duffey, Jul 7, 2006
  2. John Duffey

    Chris Guest

    try the cable first.then if that dont work it sounds like a new box is
    needed, or a recon box.
    good luck from chris Addlestone Surrey.
    Chris, Jul 7, 2006
  3. This happens regularly when I drive my wife's 306. I slide the carpet back
    out from where it is ruckling up under the clutch pedal and all is well
    again. Doesn't happen on my 406 though because it has the proprietary
    carpet with clips to secure it.
    Keith Willcocks, Jul 7, 2006
  4. Yep....its common...its because of the built in "foot rest" just to the side
    of the clutch. If the mat slips over it a little, the travel is limited.
    Happens on mine all the time. I tried to take out the footrest, but its a
    welded part of the floorpan.

    If it does turn out to be worn synchro, you can help it along enormously by
    putting some molyslip in the box. Should give you another year or two.
    John Ricketts, Jul 10, 2006
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