205 1.6 GTi engine into 306

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by Ryan, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. Ryan

    Ryan Guest

    Will it go?

    I've got a 205 1.6 GTi engine waiting to go into a peugeot that's done
    just over 30k and I was wondering if it'd go into a 306?

    Maybe a 306 XSi? or infact.. what else would it go into?
    The engine was from a '96 205 GTi.

    Any help is appreciated on the subject.

    Ryan, Jun 10, 2005
  2. Ryan

    G.T Guest

    '96 GTi ? 1.6 in addition ? Damn I thought they stopped them in 1994.
    G.T, Jun 10, 2005
  3. Ryan

    Nom Guest

    Why would you want to ?
    And lower the power output ? Why ?
    Nom, Jun 10, 2005
  4. Ryan

    Ryan Guest

    Ah, I realised after I wrote it that it wasn't 96, I think it's 93.

    Anyway, the reason for the transplant isn't for power, speed, etc it's
    because the engine is sat on my drive with low miles and there's a
    cheap 306 xsi with a blown engine near me.. it's like shrove tuesday..
    when people put all the ingredients into a pancake to get rid of all
    the food before lent...

    I was just wondering if it would go, and if anyone's done/seen it.. and
    if there's anything to consider, just doing my homework.
    Because I presume the brakes, cooling, etc won't have to be uprated due
    to the drop in power.

    But is there a weight issue? Loom problems? Ecu, Clocks.. any
    Would it be a pretty straight forward swap over?

    Come to think of it... what cars does the 205 1.6 GTi engine fit into
    (don't say a 205 GTi :p )?

    Thanks for any help in advance.
    Ryan, Jun 10, 2005
  5. Ryan

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    Well its an XU engine, so it should fit into an XU engined 306. But I'd
    reckon a lot of the wiring would be different (at a guess), and it could
    turn into a right pig of a job.

    If you wanted it to drop staight in your best bet is a 309, a 405 or a BX
    i'd say. As they're all the same generation, so the likelihood of it going
    in without any issues is a lot greater!

    My advice is find a 205 GTi or 309 SRi/XSi/GTi with a knackered engine
    (weeping valve stem seals lead to smokey cars at a cheap price) and put it
    in that and save yourself some hassle! Or save yourself even more and stick
    the engine on ebay!
    Carl Gibbs, Jun 10, 2005
  6. Ryan

    Streltsky Guest

    ’96 GTi ? 1.6 in addition ? Damn I thought they stopped them in
    They did discontinue the 1.9 in 1994 because of new emmission
    standards, but 1.6 was continued until the end of the 205, although it
    was in a reduced power form (could have been the addition of a cat).

    I presume you want to do this because the older engines don’t have
    loads of electronics and are generally more powerful :? Stick to the
    pre 94 (before emmsion standards changed) and post 86 (when they were
    fitted with the head from the 1.9).
    Streltsky, Jun 11, 2005
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