205 Catch 22 - the solution!

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by Dave, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest

    Some time ago I posted a query about a 205 door lock jamming at
    irregular intervals. I eventually found the cause, if anyone's

    There is a lever on the back of the catch mechanism which is linked to
    the outside door handle by a length of wire. This lever occasionally
    sticks in the up position & refuses to drop back, which stops the other
    lever connected to the lock barrel from releasing the catch. Move this
    sticking lever back by hand, the lock works normally. Leave it, and
    sometimes it drops back by itself, sometimes it doesn't, depending (I
    suppose) on the time since the outer handle was used to lift it up & the
    amount of vibration shaking it back down.

    Dave, Aug 20, 2003
  2. Dave

    sPoNiX Guest

    I had the same prob and a squirt of WD40 cured it..dunno if it's the
    same problem with yours but worth a go!

    sPoNiX, Nov 10, 2003
  3. Dave

    brian Guest

    This is due to the outer lever not returning to its proper place. Its pivot
    has seized up. WD40 on the pivot pin will help if you can aimit straight.
    brian, Nov 11, 2003
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