205 Downpipe

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by Carl Gibbs, Oct 28, 2003.

  1. Carl Gibbs

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    Anyone one know a good place to buy a 205 XS downpipe? There are 2 types
    and most places seem to stock the wrong one :(
    Carl Gibbs, Oct 28, 2003
  2. Carl Gibbs

    Paul Simon Guest

    I've just attached to my newsreader to post about this very subject, so
    I'm flabbergasted that the first post I see is yours.

    My 205 is a 1992 J reg 1.4 GR.

    About 3 months ago, I got a front pipe from German Swedish & French. The
    pipe itself fitted OK, but the bracket that holds the pipe to the gearbox
    would not reach the gearbox. It need at least 1.5 inches depth away from
    the pipe to reach it.

    I returned the pipe, but put off by the difficulty of finding one, I
    have'nt done anything since.

    Until today, that is. On GFS's recommendation, I phoned a company called
    CES UK Ltd (started as Chester Exhaust Systems) this morning.

    They said there were two possible pipes for my car depending on whether it
    has the TU3A/TU3S engine or the TU3FJ engine. The prices were £17+VAT or
    £49+VAT, a huge difference.

    They only had the £17 pipe in stock, so I asked whether it had 1.5 inch
    depth on the bracket; they said it did. When I went down it turned out to
    be the same bracket as the one from GFS (the pipe itself was considerably
    lighter than the GFS one, which shows you get what you pay for, as the GFS
    pipe was about £35).

    So I'm back to square one now.

    Can anyone help?

    The handbook lists my engine model code as "20AK22(K2D)" (this number
    makes up part of the chassis number, so I'm certain it's the right code
    for my car), and the engine type as a TU3.2 (even the Peugeot dealer I
    phoned today did'nt recognise this code).
    Paul Simon, Oct 28, 2003
  3. Carl Gibbs

    Cheater2k Guest

    I live round the corner from CES :) where i got most my car parts from,
    Cheater2k, Oct 29, 2003
  4. Carl Gibbs

    Cheater2k Guest

    You could ask CES to make u one, thats what they do, or put one on order.
    Cheater2k, Oct 29, 2003
  5. Carl Gibbs

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    The problem i have with mine is that the manifold and downpipe do not mate
    up properly, so a proper seal isnt made. Peugeot have quoted me £90 and
    £140 for supplying one (2 different dealers), which i am not paying coz its
    a rip-off. I'm seeing a bloke tomorrow about welding the leaking part up
    and essentially turning the manifold and downpipe into one unit.
    Carl Gibbs, Oct 29, 2003
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