205 GL (1998) yellow service light

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by popi7526, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. popi7526

    popi7526 Guest

    Does anyone know what the yellow warning light just under the fuel gauge
    mean? Its symbol is a circle "between parethesis". It started sort of
    blinking for the first time yesterday, it does not seem to have anything
    to do with the speed I was travelling at. It does not turn on during the
    routine check, just before you turn the engine on. Thanks. From Buenos
    Aires, Argentina, Popi.
    popi7526, Jan 24, 2005
  2. popi7526

    davek Guest

    On the Citroen (my car) it could be front brake pad wear-supposed to show
    when you use the brakes.
    If the 'perenthesis' is dotted and the centre of the circle has a symbol of
    a car changing wheels- anti lock brake problem. However, that should
    illuminate with other test warning lamps when you switch on.
    Buenos Tardes y Adios,
    davek, Jan 24, 2005
  3. popi7526

    popi7526 Guest

    Thanks Dave!
    I guess it might be the front brake pads... though the light goes off
    while cruising, not when breaking.
    The "parentheses" finish in arrows... (I guess they are not parenthesis
    then =), and the circle is empty in the middle. My car does not have ABS.
    Any other guesses?

    Keep up your espaƱol and thanks,
    popi7526, Jan 24, 2005
  4. popi7526

    Longshot Guest

    Think you'll defo find its the Front Brake wear indicator
    Longshot, Jan 24, 2005
  5. popi7526

    G.T Guest

    It is. I once had the problem with my '93 205 Junior D, it was a snapped
    wear indicator cable.
    G.T, Jan 26, 2005
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