205 GTi 1.9 stalling

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by Antony Gelberg, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. Yes, I've searched the archives and read all the mooted solutions. I
    have a very specific question at this point, as I haven't even started
    to work on this yet.

    What I have noticed is that often, when pulling up to lights, the revs
    decrease to about 500 _before coming back up_ to 7-800. Sometimes this
    decrease is just a little too low / long, and the car stalls.

    Could this be the throttle linkage? I have seen similar on a very
    different car. I just ask as it's pretty odd, not like the revs
    decrease and then it dies, there is that blip down and up.
    Antony Gelberg, Mar 20, 2006
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