205 won't start

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by DEf, Oct 1, 2003.

  1. DEf

    DEf Guest


    I've got a pug 205 xs 1.4 1989 for two days now. It's a great
    car...but since today the engine won't start. However I can turn the
    lights on. But when I want to start, I only hear a click-sound (?the
    starter?) and then it's quite again. The engine doesn't even crank.
    And the strangest thing is that sometimes suddenly the engine
    Maybe the battery is too old?? The starter defect??

    Any ideas?? Please oh please help me...

    DEf, Oct 1, 2003
  2. DEf

    Matt Guest

    Sounds like a bad earth to the starter or a weak battery.

    If I remember rightly to check for the former, connect a jump lead from the
    NEGATIVE battery pole to the starter motor body and try again - if it works
    then it's the earth on the starter.

    The starter motor is on the back of the engine below and in front of the air

    Undo the jubiliee clip holding the air intake pipe on at the front of the
    engine bay and pull the pipe out of the concertina bit.
    Undo the jubilee around the top of the carb body
    Unclip the spring clips on either side of the air box lid
    Twist the airbox lid anticlockwise to unclip it
    Lift the airbox (and the flat oval box that connects it to the carb) upwards
    (you'll probably need to unclip the guide that's holding the fuel line to
    the plastic intake and disconnect the breather pipes from the flat oval

    With all the air intake stuff (and box) out of the way, you should be able
    to reach the starter by leaning over the engine either from the front or
    from the side (passenger side is easiest assuming UK car) depending on how
    tall you are.

    This is by far the easiest way of getting at the starter (rather than
    putting it up on ramps and scrabbling around underneath).

    The starter is held on with 3 long bolts and the earth is held on to the end
    of it by a nut.

    Removing the above will take 5 minutes and when I changed my starter that
    only took another 20, then 5 minutes to put all the gubbins back on again.

    If your starter is buggered completely, don't expect to pay more than 25
    quid for a replacement (recon) - It is the same starter as the Citroen AX-GT
    too (same engine).


    1991 Peugeot 205 Roland Garros Cabriolet
    TU3S 1.4 Carb
    2003 - Happy 20th Birthday Peugeot 205
    SETI Team "Peugeot 205" Founder (and only!) Member
    Matt, Oct 2, 2003
  3. DEf

    Andrew Kirby Guest

    It sounds like your starter solenoid isn't pulling in fully - a common
    pug fault, at least on the 205. You can temporarily bypass it using a
    screwdriver to short the main battery feed (on the solenoid) to the big
    nut on the starter motor.

    The reason it's not pulling in is (probably) that the ignition switch is
    carrying the full load for the starter solenoid (about 30A). The result
    is a voltage drop between battery and solenoid, so the nominally 12v
    solenoid only gets perhaps 8-9v, which means that sometimes it won't
    start. Mine tended to have problems when the engine was hot. The
    solution is to use a relay to carry the current, rather than the ignition

    http://www.dur.ac.uk/a.k.kirby/images/starter.jpg shows a schematic
    'before' and 'after' to show how the relay is fitted in my car.

    Andrew Kirby, Oct 2, 2003
  4. DEf

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    Sounds like a sticky starter motor. As a temporary fix when it breaks a
    whack with something solid on the starter motor (back of the engine, under
    the air box) usually gets it going again.
    Its not a difficult job to change it (although you may need a Torx socket to
    get a bolt out, which you probably wont have). if you dont feel confident
    enough to do it yourself go down your local independant garage and get them
    to do it, it should take 30min at the most, so if your lucky you can get it
    sorted for <£100
    Carl Gibbs, Oct 2, 2003
  5. DEf

    sPoNiX Guest

    Same prob I had with mine. Changed the starter (Which comes with a
    solenoid anyway) and all worked fine.

    sPoNiX, Oct 3, 2003
  6. DEf

    DEf Guest

    Thanx all for your reactions!

    I have brought the car to a friend, who owns a garage. He checked all
    the things, and he said the startmotor was defect. So I bought a
    2nd-hand startmotor. My friend is going to build the motor in the car,
    so I hope the problem is fixed then....

    DEf, Oct 6, 2003
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