205XLD Fuel filter

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by Tony M, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. Tony M

    Tony M Guest

    My 1988 205 diesel has a CAV fuel filter/primer which leaks when
    pressurised. I picked up a similar unit (but french make) from a slightly
    later 205, but when I got around to fitting it I noticed that the Lucas
    filter has a water heating feed.

    Question.... Is it worth fitting the filter and bypassing the water feed,
    or blanking the feed off, or just buying a proper Lucas CAV unit ???


    Tony M
    Tony M, Jan 31, 2006
  2. Tony M

    Brian Guest

    You can just get the plunger unit to fit in the filter housing. Failing
    that, if it will come apart, you can be sure that the only fault is a worn
    out O ring.
    The water heating is useful at this time of year.
    Brian, Feb 1, 2006
  3. Tony M

    G.T Guest

    i would have said yes, but from experience, I'd tell no. My brother had to
    remove the fuel heating system due to a fuel pipe crack (won't explain it)
    on his '91 DTurbo and lived in eastern France with no trouble.

    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : www.205d.com
    G.T, Feb 2, 2006
  4. Tony M

    Tony M Guest

    Many thanks for the responses.

    You can't build one filter out of the two, as the Lucas bolts together from
    the top
    whereas the french one assermbles from the bottom. That said, I'm sure I
    could sort that problem
    but I don't have the time/will/enthusiasm.

    I think a new Lucas CAV unit is the answer. Anyone know of the price/online
    supplier ??


    Tony M
    Tony M, Feb 3, 2006
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