206 Brake Lights Permanaently On

Discussion in 'Peugeot 206' started by JAD, Jan 18, 2004.

  1. JAD

    JAD Guest

    Does anyone have any idea what is causing this problem? The LH, RH and High brake lights come on as soon as the ignition switch is turned on. They stay on during driving and dont change on depression of the brake pedal. I have checked fuses - they seem OK. All the other electrics seem to be working. Its a 2001 206 HDi.
    JAD, Jan 18, 2004
  2. JAD

    Len Cuff Guest

    Daughter had the same problem on her 206. Turns out the brake switch
    is on the PASSENGER side! Just under the middle of the glove box,
    easily accesible if you lie down and look underneath the panel.
    Someone had managed to dislodge it. Just put it back and all should be


    Len Cuff, Jan 18, 2004
  3. JAD

    Nigel Guest

    Can I just add, that it needs proper adjustment. Quite easy. Get
    someone to push the brake pedal down while you push the switch as far
    in as possible. Then let the pedal up, and operate it a few times. The
    switch should adjust itself to the correct position. Check the lights
    come on only when the pedal is pushed, and go off when released.
    Nigel, Jan 18, 2004
  4. JAD

    Jdalt Guest

    I have had this problem myself,and believe it or not can be caused by something as simple as a faulty brake light bulb.Take each bulb out in turn - when the lights work normally with one of the bulbs removed you will know which one to replace.
    Jdalt, Jan 18, 2004
  5. JAD

    JAD Guest

    Thanks for all the suggestions - it has made my day to sort the problem. The problem was with the brake switch on the PASSENGER side (Cheers!!) - I had been looking for it on the drivers side. The connector had not been pushed firmly home. Interestingly the car had been back to the garage last week for the clevis pin recall - possibly it was knocked or removed for this work to be done - not very good as the recall was for safety reasons and possibly made the car a hazard. Thanks again.
    JAD, Jan 18, 2004
  6. JAD

    Nigel Guest

    Hmmm, part of the recall is to ensure the brake lights work correctly
    after the pins are renewed. As you say, not very good.
    Nigel, Jan 18, 2004
  7. JAD

    Len Cuff Guest

    I spent hours trying to find the damn thing on my daughter's car.
    Never even thought of looking on the passenger side until I saw a long
    bar heading that way from the brake pedal!

    Glad you sorted it.

    Len Cuff, Jan 20, 2004
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