206 Flashing STOP light...grrrrr

Discussion in 'Peugeot 206' started by Bex, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. Bex

    Bex Guest

    I have not had my 206 W reg diesel very long and it had been fine to
    drive doing long/short trips. Now every so often when I am driving
    along at 50/60mph I suddenly hear a clicking/ticking (relays??) noise
    behind the dash and the STOP light starts to flash for about 10 seconds
    inconsistantly. Temperature is flying up to red. Within 20 secs
    everything calms down back to normal. This can happen any time between
    me doing 40 miles and 700 miles!! Have taken it to main dealer,they
    kept it for 3 days and
    didn't know what was wrong and guessed they should replace the green
    temp sensor & blue temp sensor but couldn't guarantee that was gonna
    solve it. This obviously has not worked and it's still happening every
    so often. I cannot afford to go to the main dealer again for a while.
    Would really appreciate a reply from anyone else who has had a pug like
    this or knows what it could be.

    Bex, Aug 24, 2005
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