306 1.8 petrol Radiator Fans come on at startup

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Phil Meek, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. Phil Meek

    Phil Meek Guest

    I have a 306 1.8 16 valve petrol. About 5-10 secs after startup the
    radiator fans are coming on and staying on. The aircon is off. There
    are no other indications of a fault. I've measured the three sensors at
    the left side of the engine block (one above the other on pipe near
    battery) and all three have a cold resistance of about 1k ohm.
    Anyone with knowledge of this?
    Does anyone know where the fault diagnostic output plug is?

    Phil Meek
    Phil Meek, Mar 14, 2005
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