306 1.9d glowplugs

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by adcb, Aug 6, 2003.

  1. adcb

    adcb Guest

    I need to change the glowplugs on my 97R 1.9d 306 (it is being a right
    grumpy git to start in the morning now). I seem to remember reading
    that this was an awkward job to do as one of them is a swine to get

    Does anyone have any handy tips for doing this job or know of the best
    method to do it.

    all help would be greatly appreciated, thanx in advance
    adcb, Aug 6, 2003
  2. adcb

    S Guest

    its only a git to do if you have the TD engine as the intercooler blocks the
    last plug.... but it can still be done, just.

    S, Aug 6, 2003
  3. adcb

    Shaun Guest

    It's still a git if you take the intercooler off. One of the plugs is
    cunningly hidden behind the fuel pump leaving barely enough space for a
    finger. It is possible to get to, just a little difficult.

    Shaun, Aug 6, 2003
  4. adcb

    Bill Guest

    Phew..........glad Ive got the non TD.

    Bill, Aug 9, 2003
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