306 1.9TD Starting Problem

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Mahseve, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. Mahseve

    Mahseve Guest

    Car is making a fast ticking noise when I attempt to start the engine.

    Following a problem possibly identified as an air valve blocked into the
    fuel tank, I have unscrewed the filler cap and left it off while attempting
    to start.

    I did have the fuel filter out to check for dirt etc - following this I
    pressed the hand pump ( I assume this is for priming the fuel through the
    system) until I could see no more bubbles travelling down the clear pipe.
    Do I need to keep squeezing this for any length of time ??

    Is the ticking noise due to lack of fuel within a section of the engine, or
    does it suggest any other problem.

    Thanks for any replies etc
    Mahseve, Oct 24, 2004
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