306 1999 1.6i meridian

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by ~.., Dec 31, 2004.

  1. ~..

    ~.. Guest

    Ok, serious cheek here, I've not got a HBoL and the shops are VERY shut.
    I could do with releasing the center of the dash for a root around in the
    inside, just the siver bit where all the heater controls and the stereo are.

    Could anyone give me a pointer or three, it's very nice and flush, and I
    can't seem to find any way in at all.

    Thank you very much indeed in advance.
    ~.., Dec 31, 2004
  2. This is from memory, so double-check each step...

    1 Remove the cigar lighter

    2 Remove the lower part of the centre trim of the dash first. Lever out
    one side and ease it out

    3 Remove the clock/temp display by unscrewing the 2 torx bolts and
    unplugging the module

    4 Take out the stereo

    5 Unscrew the lower two torx bolts of the main trim assembly (where the
    panel you've removed was)

    6 Unscrew the two hex bolts behind the upper section of the panel (either
    side of the stereo slot)

    7 Unplug the hazard and rear-window heater switches, and 12V cigar socket

    8 Carefully remove the facia assembly
    southpawArcher, Jan 8, 2005
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