306 2002 ex fuel leaking from filler or breather

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by kajman, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. kajman

    kajman Guest

    i can anyone suggest what might be my problem..every time i fill up,
    fuel leak’s from the filler spout imediatly as the fuel enters the
    spout. and always starts to run from the right bottem weel arch..help
    some one suggested it might be the breather
    kajman, Jan 26, 2007
  2. kajman

    Chrs Guest

    You are OVER FILLING the tank, its got to have a breather,so yes it
    runnimng down the pipe and all over the wheel and your foot.
    Chrs, Jan 26, 2007
  3. kajman

    David Hearn Guest

    We had this once when we got our 306 back from an accident repair place.
    Filled up the tank, paid, came out and found all the petrol in a pool
    under the car with a significant flow coming out from just under the
    rear wheel arch.

    Garage picked it up again (just caught them at 6pm!) and looked at it
    the next day. Apparently the filler pipe neck had split - somewhere
    between the spout and the bottom of the tank. There wasn't any work
    done on the back (slight front damage) and apparently it wasn't that
    uncommon on cars of this age (1998) for the pipes to have split/perished
    or something.

    Anyway - all fixed - and thought it sounded like what you have.

    David Hearn, Jan 26, 2007
  4. kajman

    Nigel Guest

    Check the rubber elbow where the filler neck joins the tank. A bit of
    a sod to change though!
    Nigel, Jan 26, 2007
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