306 98 - Infrared keyfob broke

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Mark, Jan 5, 2004.

  1. Mark

    Mark Guest

    Hi guys
    I posted a while back on this but didn't get it working
    tried resetting the alarm by pointing it at the receiver till the light went
    out etc....
    that didn't work

    then someone was asking where the alarm console was, not sure why

    so am I going to have to pay peugeot £90 to get this sorted or can anyone
    suggest anything
    the keyfob battereis are fine, its just lost the sync between the fob and
    the alarm (i think)

    Mark, Jan 5, 2004
  2. Mark

    Tony Mann Guest

    Seems to be a Peugeot failing !!! My local dealer says you've done well if
    the remote lasts more than two years !!! Mine has just failed, tried the
    batteries but the light on the fob doesn't even come on. Peugeot want £63 +
    vat for a replacement, anyone know of a cheaper source ?????

    Tony Mann, Jan 12, 2004
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