306 Airbag light

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Brian K, Oct 7, 2005.

  1. Brian K

    Brian K Guest


    I think i have a temp fauld on my airbags.

    Sometimes the airbag light is flashing, other times is just on all the time.

    What does it mean when its flashing, and what if its on all the time?

    Im thinking one fauld when flashing and another when its on all the time

    306 series1, style, 1996

    Brian K, Oct 7, 2005
  2. Peugeot 306: Greatest Hits #1.

    Check under your seats for a pre-tensioner loose connection.
    southpawArcher, Oct 7, 2005
  3. Brian K

    Brian K Guest

    Hi sA
    Thanks for the reply.
    Pre-tensioner? my english dont cover that word :)

    Are we talking about a connector that is loose under my seat or?

    Brian K, Oct 8, 2005
  4. Brian K

    G.T Guest

    The stuff which pull the seat-belt when you've hit something (for example
    another car).
    Yes. That's a *very* common fault on 306's and Xsara's.

    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : www.205d.com
    G.T, Oct 9, 2005
  5. Yes.
    southpawArcher, Oct 9, 2005
  6. Brian K

    Brian K Guest

    Thank you very much for the answers.

    I will check this.

    Brian K, Oct 9, 2005
  7. Brian K

    Brian Guest

    Actually, in my Xsara, it was the earth connection to the passenger side air
    bag which was loose. But check all the connectors under the seats.
    Brian, Oct 9, 2005
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