306 Auto no Idle

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Emma Ward, Feb 10, 2007.

  1. Emma Ward

    Emma Ward Guest


    Well my g/f seems to have a little problem with her N'Reg 1995 Peugeot 306
    1.8 Auto, and wondered if anyone on here could help me solve the problem.
    The car has only done 41,000 miles from new and started to stall when she
    would slow down for traffic lights or junctions. Seeing that it was an auto
    I thought I would do the age old trick of changing the spark plugs.
    So the car runs fine for two days solid but then one morning when she goes
    to use it, it won't start, I go out and start it by actually holding the
    throttle down a little, and it springs into life but won't tick over... I
    let the car warm up and it then idles fine. Being a little nervous of using
    it my gf decides to catch the bus that day.
    So later that day (around lunch time) I come home, try to start the car, and
    its the same situation, won't idle but revs fine, when it got warm it was
    The next day I take it to my mechanic and ask him to check this like the
    idle control valve (stepping motor), throttle bodies, vacuum pipes.. normal
    That afternoon he brought the car back and said the car cuts out when it
    gets warm, but couldn't solve the problem. He had cleaned the Idle control
    valve, throttle bodies, checked the vacuum pipes.. but it was now doing the
    opposite of what it was doing the other day...

    1st problem was - cutting out when warm...
    2nd problem was - not running when cold.....

    After cleaning it all...

    3rd problem was - cutting out when warm...

    So here's the situation, my mechanic recommending I take it to a local
    Peugeot dealer to have it put on there computers to diagnose the problem...
    The only problem with that is that the car is an auto so I can't tow it, I
    don't really want to drive it and have it stall all the time at junctions
    and round a bouts.. or possible stall on the dual carriage way.. power
    steering and braking would be a problem..
    As the dealer is 30miles away.. the cheapest I can find a lifted toe is for
    about £200 ! and then if I did get it there... well they charge over £80 and
    hour !

    I was wondering if people thought like me that it had to be the idle control
    valve as what else could it be...

    Any help or info would be thanked !!

    Cheers Paul
    Emma Ward, Feb 10, 2007
  2. Is this the Marelli fuel injection set-up? If it is, check that the rubber
    sealing ring between the plastic tube from the air cleaner and the
    carburettor substitute (for want of a better description) is still there.
    They can get slippery with petrol and pop out. If you can find it, dry it
    and put it back securely, otherwise cut yourelf a thin rubber strip, wind it
    round a couple of times and clamp the pipe back over that.

    Ron Robinson
    R.N. Robinson, Feb 10, 2007
  3. Emma Ward

    Emma Ward Guest

    How can I tell which one it is.. thanks
    Emma Ward, Feb 11, 2007
  4. Emma Ward

    Gary G Jones Guest

    I know you can't bump start an Auto, but as far as I know ,as long as its in
    Neutral (N) rather than park and the hand brake is off then you can tow it.
    Try it , put it in (N) brakes and hand brake off and give it a push, Make
    sure when you tow it that the ignition is not locked? I can push my old auto
    jag back on the drive when its in (N)

    Gary G Jones, Feb 11, 2007
  5. It's not a question of bump starting it, it's that some auto boxes don't get
    lubricated properly when the car is being towed. I have no idea if the
    Peugeot one is like this, but if it is it will say so in the driver's
    handbook. Which no-one in this group ever seems to have ;-)

    Ron Robinson
    R.N. Robinson, Feb 11, 2007
  6. Emma Ward

    Yuting Wan Guest

    It could be the servo motor for idling. If you know what you are doing, you
    can take it out and clean it and put back try again. It's on top of fuel
    contol inlet flow measuring chamber.
    Yuting Wan, Feb 14, 2007
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