306 Central Locking

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Blobby, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. Blobby

    Blobby Guest

    Central locking playing up on 1998 LX 306. Locking via any of the front
    doors causes the locks to lock and then straight away unlock all the doors,
    a bit of a security problem me thinks. Temporarily got round the problem by
    removing the relevant fuse (but this cuts power to the radio- not ideal) but
    at least I can manually lock all the doors. Can anyone shed any light on the
    most likely faults(so) causing this. Tried my local independent garage who
    suggested going to the local main dealer to run their diagnostic equipment
    at it but I don't relish paying main dealer prices.

    Thanks for any assistance.

    Blobby, Mar 11, 2005
  2. Blobby

    vodkakid99 Guest

    i have a 1994 306 sedane
    happened to me to on friday out of blue, went to lock door n it pops
    thign is i just had my battery replaced and sinc ei dont knwo how to
    work the code for the radio my radio is now locked.
    do u think the two are linked?
    i hav eto put it into auto electrictian will have to be monday or
    tuesday now, for the radio i wonder if he can help me.
    i to dont wanna pay dealer prices, cant afford it either.
    any input woudl help a bundle
    vodkakid99, Mar 12, 2005
  3. Blobby

    Martin Dixon Guest

    In message <ESoYd.2668$>
    This is what happens when the doors cannot be locked, for example because one
    of them is not shut properly.

    So maybe there is some reason why one of the doors is failing to lock,
    perhaps some obstruction or something that prevents cental locking, but can
    be overcome by force when locking it manaully.

    Martin Dixon, Mar 12, 2005
  4. Blobby

    Nigel Guest

    Apart from the fact the diagnostic equipment won't pick any faults up
    on the central locking for this car. But I suggest the usual thing,
    being "A" pillar looms. Well documented in the past. Do a search in
    Nigel, Mar 12, 2005
  5. Blobby

    Mindwipe Guest

    nigel is the man
    peel the rubbers back on the door connectors anbd look for broken wires
    Mindwipe, Mar 12, 2005
  6. Blobby

    Blobby Guest

    Thanks to all who replied - time to get the hands dirty me thinks.
    Blobby, Mar 13, 2005
  7. Might be a dodgy or U/S solenoid on one of the doors (aka. 'activator'). I
    guess you would rather it was that than early loom failure.
    southpawArcher, Mar 13, 2005
  8. I've got this - but it's really really intermittent, and I can get round
    it by holding the key in the unlock position and opening the door, this
    then stops the central locking doing it's thing. Never happened to me
    yet whilst locking the doors though.

    Mike Buckley
    mike. buckley, Mar 14, 2005
  9. Blobby

    SimonDS Guest

    if you know the code and just put the wrong one in so the display is locked,
    press and hold the GEO button and you'll get the option to try again
    SimonDS, Mar 16, 2005
  10. Blobby

    Blobby Guest

    If it is of any use to anyone else the local pug dealer replaced the drivers
    door actuator (claimed it was faulty) and repaired broken wire in the loom.
    Grand cost of £229.00 (ouch) - wonder if I was stitched up, but very glad to
    be able to lock the car again.

    The worrying thing is they reported that other wires in the loom were in a
    poor condition and may cause trouble in the future - maybe time to trade it
    in before it bites me.

    Blobby, Mar 18, 2005
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