306 coolant

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Mark Irons, Oct 10, 2003.

  1. Mark Irons

    Mark Irons Guest

    I have a year 2000 306 Meridian 1.6 petrol. Can anybody confirm when the
    coolant should be changed? Peugeot say it never needs to be changed, just
    topped up. One dealer said it should be changed every 2 years. Another
    dealer said it should be changed every 80k miles. The manual mentions Procor
    TM108 antifreeze - is this essential, or is it ok to top it up with any
    standard antifreeze?

    Mark Irons, Oct 10, 2003
  2. Mark Irons

    Mindwipe Guest

    will be stated in your car handbook but i personally change my a/f every 2
    years because it goes acidic with time
    Mindwipe, Oct 10, 2003
  3. Mark Irons

    Yuting Wan Guest

    You never mix different types of coolent, not even the same type with
    different ages...
    Yuting Wan, Oct 11, 2003
  4. Mark Irons

    VTR16V Guest

    The car handbook of my 306, says every 2 years or 80.000 km.
    Why not mix different types of coolent, or the same type with
    different ages? I used to this always in my previous cars, a 309,
    Suzuki Swift, VW-Golf, Xsara, Saxo. They all seems to be filled
    up after some time. The 306 I now have (build 2001), has always
    enough coolant. I never see the level of the coolant under the min.
    VTR16V, Oct 12, 2003
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