306 Coolant

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Oliver, Nov 16, 2003.

  1. Oliver

    Oliver Guest

    I've been losing about 500ml of coolant a day now is rather worrying, I took
    it down the garage the other day and the guy did a pressure test on the
    cooling system to find nada, so he kept the car and said he was gonna do a
    gas test the next day (put some chemical into the cooling system to detect
    carbon from cumbustion to test of head gasket leakage) well I picked the car
    up after the garage was shut yesterday and still don't know the results from

    But my main question was how to drain/flush/refill the entire cooling

    It explains it quite well in the Haynes manual, but I'm a bit confused about
    the refilling with this "header tank" thing?

    Any help appreciated

    Oliver, Nov 16, 2003
  2. Oliver

    Stuart Dalby Guest

    The header tank is supposedly required because some parts of the
    cooling system are above the level of the radiator cap. Consequently,
    to be sure you can get coolant into those high levels of the system
    you should increase the top-up level. It sounds complicated but it
    isn't really. Just take an old 1litre coolant bootle or small soft
    drink plastic bottle with a neck which will fit roughly into the top
    of the radiator. Doesn't matter if its not a perfect fit - you can use
    a rag to make the seal better. Cut the bottom off the bottle so you
    can top it up whilst it's inverted, fill with coolant, start the
    engine and as it's warming up, keep checking these bleed screws and
    let any air out.

    As I've mentioned before, I've seen local garages not bother with the
    header tank but just do keep topping up the radiator coolant level as
    the engine is warming and bleeding.

    p.s. regarding you initial problem - have you tried replacing the
    radiator cap?

    Hope that helps,
    Stuart Dalby, Nov 17, 2003
  3. Oliver

    Oliver Guest


    No I haven't tried replacing the cap, but there's no white crusty mark
    around it so I wouldn't of thought that would of been leaking?

    The results are in about the head gasket, we have a green light for that! So
    thats a weight off my mind.

    The garage guy suggested leaving it in a garage over night with some
    newspaper underneath it to see if it leaks gradually, I'll have to empty the
    garage of all the junk for that one though :p

    There is a bleed screw in the what looks to be the injection chamber? The
    big silver thing at the back which looks like it fuels all the
    cylinders...that screw appears to be leaking a very very tiny bit, so I'll
    get that replaced also.

    He also said that the coolant in the coolant system didn't seem to be
    circulating to well, so I'm going to bleed and flush the whole system, see
    if that helps, because I know it hasn't been done since I've had the car
    which is nearly a year now.

    However, it might be my water pump! Who knows...

    Oliver, Nov 17, 2003
  4. Oliver

    steve Guest

    that bleed screw isnt related to the coolant, thats for the fuel
    rail....leave it alone,
    if you are losing water there must be a visible leak somewhere, (your not
    filling the expansion (header) tank up to the top are you?) the idea of the
    header tank is to allow somewhere for the coolant to go when it warms up (it
    expands) without it spilling onto the ground. then as it cools down it will
    contract and the level will drop.
    there is no special requirement for refilling, run the engine from cold with
    the coolant topped up, leave the cap off and bleed nipples undone, as soon
    as you see coolant instead of air emerge from the bleed nipples replace the

    what engine size do you have?

    need to know this to locate your bleed screws if any....some of them are
    fitted on the coolant pipes just before they enter the heater matrix in the
    car, there is also one on the radiator itself, this one is important as the
    air will certainly be trapped in the rad if its not bled out.

    hope this helps
    steve, Nov 19, 2003
  5. Oliver

    Oliver Guest

    1.4XL - TU engine sytley :p lol

    I don't understand where there's white stains and visible liquid where this
    cap/screw thing is then, I mean I went and bought another one from Peugeot,
    and its literally just a cap you hammer in.

    Strange, but there is no other visible leaks and as I said a pressure test
    and gas test were done. I don't know if this has a bearing on it, but when I
    start the car and for a good 5-10 mins till its warmed up there is alot of
    white/odourless smoke from the exhaust. More than there should be anyway...

    Thanks for the help though!
    Oliver, Nov 19, 2003
  6. Oliver

    steve Guest

    in that case it well could be the head gasket, i guess just because one guy
    says it isnt doesnt mean he's right, personally i wouldnt check for head
    gasket in this manner anyway.
    its not a foolproof way of diagnosis.
    you said the bleed nipple (what you thought was the bleed nipple) came from
    the fuel rail. if that was the case there isnt any coolant in the fuel rail
    is there.
    steve, Nov 20, 2003
  7. Oliver

    SimonDS Guest

    sounds like one of the waterways of the head gasket has blown.
    SimonDS, Nov 21, 2003
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