306 D-Turbo and Diesel Conditioner

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Sean, Jul 25, 2004.

  1. Sean

    Sean Guest

    Hi guys,

    I recently bought a 1998 306 D-Turbo with around 60,000 miles on it.

    With your collective experience, would you recommend using a diesel
    conditioner with this engine, or should I not waste my money. I am based
    in the UK and tend to use the car for short journeys only.

    Sean, Jul 25, 2004
  2. Sean

    Doctor D. Guest

    I used Millers Diesel Plus in my 98 306 Dturbo, it reduced visible smoke and
    seemed smoother especially from cold.
    I also used Millers XFD and it definitely preferred this to whatever the
    main dealer had used previously.

    Diesel plus is about £6.50 per bottle and using it sparingly I get through
    about three per year.
    Doctor D., Jul 26, 2004
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