306 Dashboard dials don't work

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by ian.j.knowles, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. Went over a rather large speed bump at speed recently and all the
    dashboard dials dies. Removed the shunt fuse and put back in and all
    seemed fine for a few days.

    Yesterday the airbag warning light came on. Turned the engine off for
    30 seconds and the airbag warning light didn't come back on. Today
    going over a speed bump at normal speed (10mph) all the dials died
    again, so had to remove and re-insert the shunt fuse.

    Before taking it to a garage, has anybody come across this and what
    would the solution be?

    Thanks in advance.
    ian.j.knowles, Dec 4, 2007
  2. ian.j.knowles

    Rexx Magnus Guest

    Check the connectors that come down on the drivers side at the right
    - just above and to the right of the accelerator pedal, in case any
    are loose.

    I wouldn't think that it could be a connector that has come loose at
    the back of the instrument cluster, as each group are on a different

    The airbag light would have been unrelated to the instrument light
    problem I think. You could try checking the connector in the
    steering column (it's on top of it under the casing, with an orange
    connector). I recently had to replace the rotary connector on mine,
    as I broke the old one when removing the steering wheel. Cost me £15
    for one from the breakers, but Peugeot wanted £85!

    When you say the dials died, do you mean the actual readouts dropped
    to zero, or the illumination?

    Sometimes dodgy illumination in interior lighting can be related to
    faulty brake/headlamp bulbs. I've had it happen on a couple of
    vehicles, that the element in say the brake bulb has snapped and
    fallen across the earth to the sidelights.
    Whenever I put the brakes on, the interior lights came on dimly.
    Rexx Magnus, Dec 4, 2007
  3. ian.j.knowles

    the.ijk Guest

    Thanks for your reply.

    I'll check the connections as you suggest. The dials failing is the actual
    needles go to zero. The dial illuminations still work. The car works ok, but
    without no speedo and petrol gauge it's a bit dicey!

    I've got breakdown cover with RAC, so if it happens again I'll give them a
    call, failing that garage time [but don't need that before Xmas].
    the.ijk, Dec 4, 2007
  4. ian.j.knowles

    Nigel Guest

    Check the main earth lead from the battery to the gearbox and then on
    to the chassis. Give it a pull at the ends. I bet one end is broken or
    about to.
    Nigel, Dec 4, 2007
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