306 Door membrane

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Brian Jennings, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. Hi all,

    After my car having been hit on the passenger side of my 1999 5door 306, my
    `insurance approved` bodyshop has now twice! tried to fob me off by sticking
    an old bit of polythene down the inside of the doors rather than getting a
    membrane kit from peugeot.

    Question is, I have logged on the EPG and there are parts listed for all of
    the grey foam membrane/sound deadening pieces that should be there, and for
    the flap of polythene that goes behind the speaker on the front door, but,
    if I take a torch and look through the tiny gap with the with the interior
    door handle open (by the hinge of the handle) there is definitely polythene
    behind it, between the two skins of the door on both the front and rear
    original doors (drivers side). On the new doors (passenger side) there is
    no polythene, but none is listed on the EPG that I can see, or that my
    dealer is aware of.

    Does this polythene come with one of the kits, or is it extra or what?

    Any ideas?

    Brian Jennings, Dec 9, 2004
  2. Brian Jennings

    davek Guest

    Does this polythene come with one of the kits, or is it extra or what?I would think original equipment membrane should be part of the repair. An
    old plastic bag or equivalent will definitely not do. If the membrane is
    defective or the rubber window seal, you get rainwater inside the door. Say
    goodbye to electric window motors, switches and radio speakers.
    davek, Dec 11, 2004
  3. Brian Jennings

    Andy C Guest

    If the water gets as far as the membrane then the bits
    "electric window motors, switches and radio speakers"
    are not going to be affected by the membrane as they are all outside it.

    One thing the membrane does that polyethene doesn't do as well is reduce
    The membrane is an expanded foam type so it does absorb a little sound
    rather than just act like a drum skin.

    Andy C, Dec 11, 2004
  4. Brian Jennings

    Fitzy Guest

    All doors let water in,,,
    check the bottom of the door and you will find drain holes or slits,
    these allow the rain water to drain out on to your sills,
    the membrane is also there to stop the water contaminating the door trim,
    and leaking in to the car,
    Fitzy, Dec 13, 2004
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