306 electic window problem..

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Ben, Nov 4, 2005.

  1. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Morning all

    just a quick question. the drivers side control for the windows has gone a
    bit 'iffy' sometimes it'll work sometime nothing happens. If I whack the
    door just below the switch it'll sometimes start to work again, so I'm
    guessing a lose wire or connecter in there. Can anyone tell me, or point me
    toward an faq on how to get in there ?
    Ben, Nov 4, 2005
  2. Ben

    Mark Rae Guest

    The switch just clips in, you can lever it out with a flat
    bladed screwdriver. If the switch isn't the problem it
    is most likely to be the wiring harness between the door
    and the body that is causing the problems.

    Mark Rae, Nov 4, 2005
  3. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Thanks Mark, I didn't think it'd be as easy as that (or I'd have take a
    scewdriver to it stright away !!).

    The door loom was going to be the next step if it wasn't the switch unit.

    Thanks again, Ben
    Ben, Nov 4, 2005
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