306 FM Aerial

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Tom Hawley, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. Tom Hawley

    Tom Hawley Guest


    Does the FM aerial on a 306 (99 estate model) actually retract, unscrew
    etc or is it only removeable using methods perhaps a little extreme for
    the purposes of going through a car wash?

    I can't quite believe i'm having to ask this question but i'm baffled.

    Help appreciated.

    Tom Hawley, Nov 12, 2005
  2. Tom Hawley

    Dan Guest

    It should just unscrew.
    Dan, Nov 12, 2005
  3. Tom Hawley

    Mr Benny Guest

    Use extreme force. Once you remove the aerial, apply some copper grease to
    prevent it seizing again.

    Or you could do what the dealer had to do to my C5 and he removed the
    headlining to remove the aerial base from the inside.
    Mr Benny, Nov 12, 2005
  4. Tom Hawley

    Nick \(UK\) Guest



    The threads are galvanised and therefore oxidise leaving a crusty residue
    which embeds itself into the thread thus seizing the mast to the base.

    A pair of grips should suffice to remove the mast (dont forget to wrap some
    cloth around the mast first to protect it), once removed clean the base with
    a wire brush, grease and refit.

    Remember - Left=loose, Right=tight.
    Nick \(UK\), Nov 13, 2005
  5. Tom Hawley

    R Guest

    Or just push it flat to the roof, never had a problem doing that on my 405,
    which had seized threads.
    R, Nov 13, 2005
  6. Tom Hawley

    Tom Hawley Guest

    Or just push it flat to the roof, never had a problem doing that on my 405,
    I was hoping someone was going to suggest that, as this thing just won't
    move. I could twist harder, but it feels like it wants to break. Flat to
    the roof it is. Thanks to the others too though.
    Tom Hawley, Nov 13, 2005
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