306 Gti - Engine Cutting out...

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Ben, Aug 21, 2003.

  1. Ben

    Ben Guest


    Don't know if anyone can help... (much like most Peugeot dealers..)
    I've got a problem with the engine cutting out, apparently randomly,
    my 306 Gti. Usually thi is at idle, when the engine just dies... no
    fuss, it
    just dies. This doesn't happen every day, but sometimes it can occur 3
    before I've reached the end of my street. It's also cut out once or
    whilst revving, but jumps itself started again.... a very nasty jolt.
    The car always starts again, but it's obviously dangerous... cut's out
    at roundabouts etc., so I feel like I'm going to get hit by someone
    one of these days.

    Been to a a main dealer and an independent specialist a few times, but
    the problem never shows itslef with them, so they say they can't do
    anything! The engine light comes on when it cuts out, but no error
    codes are found.

    I'm getting SO fed up... supposed to be taking the car abroad on
    holiday in a couple of weeks, but I just can't trust it.

    Any suggestions much appreciated.

    Ben, Aug 21, 2003
  2. Ben

    Shrek Guest

    Try this site www.peugeot.206.btinternet.co.uk it has a fantastic forum
    (info exchange) and problem index which has similar problems listed that
    happen to 206's.
    Shrek, Aug 21, 2003
  3. Ben

    Dan Guest

    It could be the ignition module playing up.
    Dan, Aug 22, 2003
  4. Ben

    Porkeman911 Guest

    I had the same problem with my wife's 306GTI. A dealer redownloaded the ecu
    with the latest mapping form Peugeot and this cured the problem.

    Good luck
    Porkeman911, Aug 26, 2003
  5. Ben

    Paul Westney Guest

    Hi Ben,
    have seen a similar prob with 306 2.0 XSi which turned out to be the
    idle control stepper motor (about 92 quid from the dealer).
    You may get one from a breakers for less than a tenner. It is the a small
    unit just below the throttle cable assembly and is attached by 2 star screws
    which are a bit tricky to removed but can be done with patience. You may
    find that after replacing it, the engine may idle high for a minute or so
    until the ECU works out what is going on.

    Hope this helps

    Paul Westney, Aug 27, 2003
  6. Ben

    Paul Westney Guest

    ttry changing the idle stepper motor. These are quite expensive, about 90
    pounds new but can be got from a breakers for approx 5-10 pounds.

    It sits just to the left of the fuel injection system/throttle housing.

    Paul Westney, Sep 13, 2003
  7. Ben

    Icabod Guest

    Strangely enough I got a similar thing happen to me today, the car just died
    when stopping at junctions or lights. There was no judder or anything, the
    car just went dead. Mine started immediately and on the move worked fine, I
    was able to go through all the gears ok. I parked it up and it ticked over
    fine. I've tried it since and it's been fine. I have a 306 XSI N reg. Please
    post a message if changning the part Paul mentions below works.
    Icabod, Sep 14, 2003
  8. Ben

    Icabod Guest

    Turns out the idle motor needed a good clean, mine was pitch black and after
    cleaning it and running a cloth around the slot it fits into my car now
    works fine (ticks over more smoothly than it has in a long time).
    Icabod, Sep 15, 2003
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