306 heater matrix

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Rexx Magnus, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. Rexx Magnus

    Rexx Magnus Guest

    Does the hot water flow through the heater matrix all the time, or
    only when the dial is turned to hot?

    I remember that on my old Bedford van, the temperature dial was
    connected to a valve, but there doesn't appear to be a valve on the
    new matrix that I've bought. I wanted to try flushing the system out
    first before going through the horrendous task of changing the
    heater matrix.

    I notice that it goes cold immediately when you turn the dial to
    cold, which suggests the air is being diverted around the matrix
    instead of water flow being shut off.

    The rad cleaner I've got in at the moment doesn't seem to be
    producing much of a result - I thought it would have worked though
    as the air was coming out mildly warm, suggesting a blockage, though
    the pipes seem quite hot under the hood where they come out and go
    past the engine. I guess there's likely to be a drastic difference
    in percieved temperature though, the air isn't going to be scalding
    even if the pipes are. :)
    Rexx Magnus, Nov 15, 2007
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