306 heater matrix

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by SimonDS, Jul 15, 2003.

  1. SimonDS

    SimonDS Guest

    Had my air con regassed today and during the test the guy noticed an air
    leak where the air con pipes meet the heater matrix. He says it's on the
    heater matrix side. I'm not losing coolant though. The leak showed up by
    putting fairy liquid on the rubber gromet on the bulkhead.
    Question is this: Do you really have to take the dashboard off completely to
    replace the heater matrix? Or is there some magic liquid to add to the water
    to fix it. It can't be a big leak as i've lost no fluid. There quoting £300+

    SimonDS, Jul 15, 2003
  2. SimonDS

    Mindwipe Guest

    don't you mean the evaporator or am i getting hold of the wrong end of the
    Mindwipe, Jul 15, 2003
  3. SimonDS

    SimonDS Guest

    well he siad the heater matrix. stood in front of the car it is located on
    the far right at the bulkhead. 2 aircon pipes enter a metal block from which
    2 more pipes with rubber grommets around them enter the interior.

    SimonDS, Jul 15, 2003
  4. SimonDS

    Mindwipe Guest

    to have it changed involves removing the dashboard and the heater
    unit,usually takes about 3 hours
    Mindwipe, Jul 16, 2003
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