306 off side drive shaft removal

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by harvestmouse, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. harvestmouse

    harvestmouse Guest

    How do you get this out? I have got the outer CV away from the swivel
    axle and then undone the 2 bolts that you have to turn through 90
    degrees, BUT there appears to be a shouder on the inner part of the
    drive shaft which stops it moving outwards. When I pull on the outer
    part of the drive shaft, the inner CV joint just gives. I am trying
    to change the clutch but can not even get to lowering the gearbox!
    harvestmouse, Sep 16, 2007
  2. harvestmouse

    Chrs Guest

    Is it the same set up as a 405 ? it has bearing half way up shaft
    inside a houseing.which can rust in and be a sod to get out so i think
    u will have to pull and look at it more to see what is holding it in .#
    chris addlestone surrey
    Chrs, Sep 17, 2007
  3. harvestmouse

    harvestmouse Guest

    I don't know if it is the same as the 405, but it is half way up the
    shaft inside the lower engine mounting. I guess it has rusted in, but
    how do you get it out? I have tried a steel bar on the flange and
    hitting it with a 4lb hammer.
    harvestmouse, Sep 20, 2007
  4. harvestmouse

    Chrs Guest

    spray it with lots of wd40 and tap it one way then the other way it
    will come out in the end DONT HIT IT TOO HARD AS THE CASEING IS ONLY
    Chrs, Sep 21, 2007
  5. harvestmouse

    Brian Guest

    Heat the casing up carefully with a small blowlamp. Ally expands more than
    steel. The heat will also break the rust up.
    Brian, Sep 24, 2007
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