306 peculiar 'chaifing' sound...

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Kontaminator, May 3, 2005.

  1. Kontaminator

    Kontaminator Guest

    I was driving to work this morning as usual, when on the way I noticed there
    was a kind of a rubbing/chafing sound that caused a small amount of
    vibration in the steering wheel. I got to work, had a look round the car,
    under the bonnet - nothing unusual.

    I go out at lunchtime (10 minute drive) - no problems noticed - 'PHEW' I

    Driving home, about half way the same thing again. Comes on then goes away,
    then comes on again. - I pulled over in a lay-by and again had a look
    round - nothing unusual. I continue home, which is about another half of the
    distance I'd come already, no apparent problems! What the f*ck?!?

    I can only say it seems to occur at high-ish speeds - say 45+MPH. I've had a
    look round the car and over the engine again this evening, have had a look
    at belts, etc...all seems normal.

    What could this baffling problem be?

    Kontaminator, May 3, 2005
  2. Had a similar problem on my 406 which turned out to be a front mud flap
    occasionally touching the tyre. Bending it back cured it. I also had a
    problem of similar noises from the back when loaded and reversing on and off
    my driveway or crossing road humps. That was the rear mud flaps, I
    eventually removed them.
    Keith Willcocks, May 4, 2005
  3. Kontaminator

    Kontaminator Guest

    I investigated the mud flap and it did not look to be the problem - wheel
    nice and clear, even when fully locked left or right.

    However, the outer CV rubber was ripped with grease pissed all over the
    place. Obviously there is now little/no grease now in the CV joint - could
    this intermittent grinding be a knackered CV joint as well as boot?

    It is totally intermittent - today it was doing at slower speeds of say
    30MPH - it doesn't do it constantly, it can do it, for a second, then for
    twenty, then stop for a while...ODD!

    Please help!

    Kontaminator, May 4, 2005
  4. Kontaminator

    Phil Cook Guest

    I used to have a problem with a rear flap that waved about on steadily
    coroding mountings.
    Fix that driveshaft (you are going to have to do it anyway) and the
    noise may well go away.
    Phil Cook, May 4, 2005
  5. Kontaminator

    RooMonster Guest

    It may be the CV joint. When they dry out they do have a tendancy to
    judder the steering wheel, but in my experiance they tend to make more
    of a knocking noise esspecially when pulling away or accelerating.

    When you get the CV joint replaced or repacked with grease, get the
    garage to check the wheel bearings while they are down there. Another
    RooMonster, May 8, 2005
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