306 radio

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by pogo306, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. pogo306

    pogo306 Guest

    i have just put my original radio back in my 306 but put the wrong code in
    by mistake i have the right code, i removed the radio and refitted it but
    now the word code does not appear to enter the right code isthere a time
    limit on this or do i need a new radio
    pogo306, Jan 22, 2008
  2. pogo306

    Phil Cook Guest

    It's locked up and you need to leave the radio on for a while before
    it comes back to code.
    Phil Cook, Jan 23, 2008
  3. pogo306

    Phil Cook Guest

    very likely. If the truths of the Gospel are published,
    the contrary is published too, and the questions are obscured, so that the
    people cannot distinguish. And they ask, "What have you to make you believed
    rather than others? What sign do you give? You have only words, and so have
    we. If you had miracles, good and well." That doctrine ought to be supported
    by miracles is a truth, which they misuse in order to revile doctrine. And
    if miracles happen, it is said that miracles are not enough without
    doctrine; and this is another truth, which they misuse in order to revile

    Jesus Christ cured the man born blind and performed a number of miracles on
    the Sabbath day. In this way He blinded the Pharisees, who said that
    miracles must be judged by doctrine.

    "We have Moses: but, as for this fellow, we know not from whence he is." It
    is wonderful that you know not whence He is, and yet He does such miracles.

    Jesus Christ spoke neither against God, nor against Moses.

    Antichrist and the false prophets, foretold by both Testaments, will speak
    openly against G
    Phil Cook, Jan 24, 2008
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