306 Rear Subframe Mounts

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Chris Howarth, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. I've just replaced the rear-most (and cheapest) pair of rear subframe mounts
    on my 1993 Peugeot 306 XLD in an attempt to cure an
    annoying thudding noise experienced when travelling over uneven road

    However this has not fixed the problem so I am looking to replace the front
    (and more expensive) pair on the same subframe. The Haynes manual suggests
    that I should remove the entire rear subframe to replace the mounts then
    simply reverse the procedure to re-install, however I'm not convinced that
    complete removal of the subframe is necessary.

    Does anyone have any experience of replacing the front pair of rear subframe
    mountings without having to totally remove the subframe and all that doing
    so entails (disconnecting the brake pipes, exhaust etc...) ? Is it possible
    to drop one side at a time, obviously paying attention to the brake pipes,
    without removing the exhaust?

    Many thanks

    Chris Howarth, Feb 1, 2005
  2. Chris Howarth

    Mindwipe Guest

    have done quite a few
    disconnect the shockers at the bottom first
    then disconnect the clips that hodl the brake pipe(so the pipes can follow
    the subframe down a tad)
    just drop (with a jack) the subframe a side at a time and change the mounts

    r u doing this at home or on a ramp (its easier on a ramp ) if at home put
    it on stands as high as you can to give you more room to work the jack
    first time i did one of these jobs i was quite surprised how easy it is
    Mindwipe, Feb 2, 2005
  3. Hi, thanks for the advice.

    I am hoping to do this on my friend's drive so I will have to jack the car
    up high.

    I was surprised myself at how easy the rear-most mounts were to replace as I
    was expecting trouble, however the front pair look more difficult due to

    I know that the front mounts are held onto the body with two nuts each but
    how do they attach to the subframe?

    There doesn't appear to be a great deal of clearance between the exhaust and
    the subframe, did you have to undo any of the exhaust sections or move the
    exhaust completely out of the way?

    Finally, when you dropped each side did you leave the opposite side loosely
    bolted on or did you get away without slackening the opposite mounting nuts
    at all?

    Sorry about all the questions...

    Many thanks,

    Chris Howarth, Feb 2, 2005
  4. Chris Howarth

    Mindwipe Guest

    2 bolts through the side remove the shocker to make it easier
    just pop it out of the rubbers and hang it down tie it with a bit of string
    for a little support if needed
    just did a side at a time didnt loosen other side at all

    just remember to pop the brake pipes out of the clips
    you may have to undo the support bracket (one nut) from the flexi pipe too
    you'll see when you get there
    hth jeff
    Mindwipe, Feb 3, 2005
  5. Chris Howarth

    Andy C Guest

    The main thing as to it curing the noise is the quality of the units you put

    I replaced mine on a DTurbo at the same time as the front P bushes.
    I got a set of P bushes from the local pug independent specialist. They had
    reasonable rubber mounts, but the bore was so sloppy I decided to replace
    them straight away with ones from my normal supplier ( cheaper as well), I
    had to pursuade them to go on but cured the noise perfectly.

    The moral- get the bits that you can trust.
    Andy C, Feb 3, 2005

  6. Thanks for the advice, hopefully should be able to get this right first

    Aiming to buy the parts from German & Swedish, hopefully the quality of the
    mounts will be OK.

    Thanks again,

    Chris Howarth, Feb 3, 2005
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