306 Remote Key

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Ian, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Ian

    Ian Guest

    When I bought my car it only came with the standard key. So I bought a
    remote key off ebay, hopeing I could program it myself using these
    http://tinyurl.com/cp5qn instructions. So far no luck, the car is a Peugeot
    306 L, 1.4, 1998, R Registered. The key I got off ebay does not have a
    little LED light on it, so I can't tell if its workin gor not, but I have
    put in a brand new battery. Inside the key it has a "transponder ?", a small
    rectangular piece of plastic with lots of numbers on it near the key end of
    the fob. Have I got the wrong key off ebay, or should this one work ok ? I
    guess also the infra red part in the car could be faulty..

    Any help appreciated.
    Ian, Jan 29, 2006
  2. Ian

    Jim Mason Guest

    It sounds like you well have bought a wireless key off ebay and not an
    infra-red one.I got ripped off by an ebay trader who described his key as
    suitable for the 405 which only ever had the infra-red version. Any
    attempts at getting my money back were futile and now he has disappeared
    off ebay. He said I should have checked the picture which was no excuse -
    side on these key fobs look identical.

    Check your key - it should have a clear LED at the key end of the fob. If
    it hasn't you have a wireless one. My local Pug dealer has boxes of these
    wireless ones but no infra red ones. A new replacement infra-red one costs
    around £90 from a main dealer and they are harder to find on ebay. The
    wireless ones are there regularly but have to be programmed by a dealer via
    a lap-top which is normally chargeable.

    Jim Mason, Jan 29, 2006
  3. Ian

    Ian Guest

    Jim , you are dead right, just checked the auction and it says RF, grr I
    can't believe I was so stupid to miss that. I will re sell it on Ebay and
    try and get the IR version. Thanks for your help !
    Ian, Jan 29, 2006
  4. Ian

    Alec Guest

    Alec, Jan 29, 2006
  5. Ian

    Jim Mason Guest

    At least the ebay advert you bid on described it as a radio key. It doesn't
    make you feel any better though!

    Make sure you advertise it properly yourself on ebay :)

    To be honest I think I would prefer to buy the RF version new from the
    dealer - they have to programme it anyway and at least you would have a

    Good luck in getting an IR one. Mines still works but eats up batteries for

    Jim Mason, Jan 29, 2006
  6. Ian

    Jim Mason Guest

    No good because sadly he has purchased an RF key and needs to be re-
    programmed by dealership via computer.

    Jim Mason, Jan 29, 2006
  7. Ian

    Alec Guest

    My car is a 1999 306 and the key is RF (Peugeot).

    There is no IR window at all on the key (I have checked inside when I
    changed the battery)

    The procedure at http://www.peugeotdiesel.com/ worked fine for me after the
    key lost it's code when the battery died.

    Perhaps they have changed how the RF keys work.

    Alec, Jan 30, 2006
  8. Ian

    Brian Guest

    "> My car is a 1999 306 and the key is RF (Peugeot).
    Look in the car at the area by the interior light. Is there a black bubble
    there? This is the receiver for the IR. If you don't have one, then the
    system is RF.
    Bear in mind that there are two different IR keys, one button and two
    Brian, Feb 1, 2006
  9. Ian

    daddyfreddy Guest

    Presumably the RF remote system was installed on the revamped 306 in
    1999 - the models with colour coded bumpers throughout the range?
    daddyfreddy, Feb 1, 2006
  10. wrote in

    The infra-red system was a complete joke anyway!
    southpawArcher, Feb 4, 2006
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