306 Shaking/Gearbox?

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Dirom306, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. Dirom306

    Dirom306 Guest

    My 95 M reg 306 has been shaking between 55mph and 70mph for some time

    I took it to a garage and he said he didn't really understand what was
    wrong but the gearbox was making weird noises and could be the problem.

    Does anyone have experience of this sort of problem or is he just trying
    to get a gearbox sale?
    Dirom306, Jan 9, 2005
  2. Dirom306

    gsmpcn Guest

    The first thing I'd think of would be that the steering tracking is out
    and just needs to be adjusted.

    Don't ask this particular garage to sort it, he sounds like an idiot or
    a con merchant.
    gsmpcn, Jan 9, 2005
  3. Dirom306

    davek Guest

    Wheel balance check at the same time too.
    davek, Jan 9, 2005
  4. Dirom306

    Longshot Guest

    Try getting your wheels balanced first. Is the shake worse when braking at
    these speeds? My inclination would be to pay £5-£10 to get the wheels
    balanced and then seeing if the fault persists. Gearbox really wouldn't
    give these syptoms even if knackered.
    Longshot, Jan 10, 2005
  5. Dirom306

    Mark Rae Guest

    I had a similar problem, it originally started in a fairly narrow
    range of speeds and felt like it was coming from the nearside front
    wheel, which made me think it was a problem with wheel
    balance and/or tracking, as suggested above.

    However it kept getting worse, and I took it to my local garage
    who took it for a quick drive and initially guessed it was a
    part of the suspension that had broken or come loose.

    Once they got it up on the lift, they found nothing wrong with
    any of the suspension components and tracked it down to
    the offside inboard CV joint which was starting to break up.

    So I would check those things first before allowing anyone to
    pull the gearbox apart.
    My garage had my car for just over an hour, and that included getting the
    replacement driveshaft deliverd from their supplier. So I would tend
    to agree that with that statement.

    Mark Rae, Jan 10, 2005
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