306 Steamy Windows

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Anthonio, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. Anthonio

    Anthonio Guest

    Hi ,
    I am having the same problem with my 306 misting up when the heater gets hot
    ..and it does get hot no problem there ...but the hot air will not be
    directed to the screen for some reason

    I took it in to the local Peug dealer .The mechanic took a quick look and
    said the problem was the heater control box( Matrix ? ) which is behind the
    centre consol below the dash .
    So it looks like I have to take the radio and consol out to get to the box
    and then remove the box and replace it with another ?? or so they said .I am
    not a mechanic !

    Apparently what happens is the control dial for the heater box is stripped
    off the and the activating arms in the box which are supposed to direct hot
    air to the various parts of the car ,e.g screen ,footwell or the vents on
    the front of the dash etc-- are broken ,and that is why the screen is not
    getting the air it is supposed to get to keep it clear of mist !

    I am not sure if these control-arms or wheels behind the dials or whatever
    in this box can be repaired ,but I doubt it .New ones are expensive so I
    will try to pick one up at a salvage dealer .Has anyone got any advice on
    this ??

    Anthonio, Feb 21, 2005
  2. Anthonio

    Mindwipe Guest

    to change the heater box on the 306 you remove the dashboard
    suggest you try a different garage
    they dont sound too switched on to me
    Mindwipe, Feb 26, 2005
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