306 strong vibrations and brake discs

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Jef Charlier, Dec 12, 2003.

  1. Jef Charlier

    Jef Charlier Guest

    I have a Peugeot Diesel 306 XTDT , production august 1998.

    During a standard maintenance in march 2002 my brake discs were replaced by
    new ones at 72000 km.

    Some 3000 km later I started to feel strong vibrations on the roadway when
    braking normally from 100km/h to 80km/h.

    After every repair on my demand the vibrations did disappear for some 3000
    km, but came back later.
    The last time they did repair it good, but no mentioning of replacement of
    the discs.

    They replaced something else. They did show me the part : it is a small axe.
    It is composed of two small round pieces, the one over the other with a
    rubber joint between them.
    On this part the wheel and brakes are mounted ( i think ).
    The rubber joint is for the driving comfort (?).
    Normally on other older models of Peugeot it was one piece of metal.
    The rubber they said was becoming "old".

    Total cost of several repairements,
    wheel aligments,
    discs polish (?),
    750 Eur, not included four new tires in this price.

    Now a month ago I heard that Peugeot has/had quality problems with the
    production of original Peugeot brake discs for two models :
    the Peugeot 306 and another model. It causes strong vibrations when braking
    on highways.

    Can someone confirm this ?
    Why all my problems started after the installation of new brake discs ?

    Jef Charlier, Dec 12, 2003
  2. Jef Charlier

    Stuart Dalby Guest

    I have a 1995 306 XTdt and I had the same problem back in January
    2001. The full story is at
    www.radox.freeserve.co.uk/306.htm#brakejudder but here's the basic

    Wasn't having any problem with the brakes but was told by the dealer
    the discs needed replacing. Finally let them do it. Then after a
    little while started getting a vibration when braking. Took it back -
    they replaced the discs again - ok for a while and then judder
    returned. Didn't get anywhere with the dealer and in the end gave up
    whilst on the 3rd set of discs. Over time the vibration seemed to
    disappear by itself and right now I think I'm judder-free. It's now
    over 40,000 miles since the discs were last changed.

    I wasn't happy with the Peugeot service though and never went back. I
    have also heard from other people who have had similar problems.

    I think the last time they put new disc on they told me they had given
    the hub flange a really good clean. This I think is what the disc is
    connected to and maybe this is what they changed on your car.

    I haven't heard anything about Peugeot admitting a fault with braking
    on 306's but I wouldn't be surprised if this was a common problem. But
    as I've said, I'm quite happy with my 306's braking right now and so
    I'd be reluctant to let them touch it again.

    Stuart Dalby, Dec 12, 2003
  3. Jef Charlier

    Nick\(UK\) Guest

    Not sure what the problem is but I have exactly the same thing on my '99 1.8
    GLX. I was thinking of posting a question on here but wasn't sure how to
    describe it!
    It's going in for it's 80K service in the next month so I would also be
    interested to hear of any other experiences of this.

    Nick\(UK\), Dec 12, 2003
  4. Jef Charlier

    Jef Charlier Guest

    I visited the yahoo news groups and other links suggested by Stuart :
    Radox Peugeot 306 web resources

    http://www.radox.freeserve.co.uk/306qanda.htm#Brake Judder
    Brake Judder
    I heard on the newsgroups that sometimes the hub flange is just 'dirty' and
    if not cleaned properly can cause a new set of disc to warp very quickly. I
    wonder if that's what happened with me. Peugeot fitted the first 2 sets of
    discs without cleaning the hubs properly first. I think on the 3rd time of
    changing the discs they gave the hubs a really good clean and hence the
    problem disappeared

    My breaks are fine since a senior technician did clean up my brakes
    extremely well, and did repolish my discs. I could see the gold paint (
    don't know what it is ) he used.

    Jef Charlier, Dec 12, 2003
  5. Jef Charlier

    EjS Guest

    Can someone confirm this ?
    Hi Jef

    I can confirm that brakes are a problem on the 306 (SRDT , HDi v.1).
    Especially with the wear. A method perhaps capable of preventing your
    problem from occurring in the future:

    After braking hard (e.g. for redlight stops) remove the pressure on the
    brakes immediately after full stop to optimize brake disc cooling. When they
    get very hot they tend to bend a little with your result as a consequence.

    If you stop on a sloped road - use the hand brake. The rear brakes are less
    loaded compared to front brakes during deceleration.

    Best regards
    EjS, Denmark
    EjS, Dec 12, 2003
  6. Jef Charlier

    Jef Charlier Guest


    And I understand what you mean. Overheated discs can happen on cars with
    high power and only ~normal~ breaks.
    And does it happen more in countries like UK, Denmark, Belgium ? Overheated
    discs and driving in water ?
    I had this twice on my first Peugeot, a 104 ZS in 1985, what a car is was !!

    But in my case the discs have been 1 x renewed at least , 2 x polished, and
    everytime the same brake rudder after 3000 km.
    In this newsgroup I have found that new discs requires good cleaning of the
    whole brake mechanism on the 306.

    Best Regards

    like my Peugeot 306 of 1998
    130mil km, zero engine problems
    Jef Charlier, Dec 13, 2003
  7. Jef Charlier

    EjS Guest

    I had this twice on my first Peugeot, a 104 ZS in 1985, what a car is was

    Hmm - I'm not that old ;) But it appears in my Peugeot history book!
    Strange that it reappears with that kind of frequency. Well - some with
    brake problems here in Denmark have successfully been solved with a change
    to brembo parts. If it is possible with a 306 - I don't know.

    I experienced your problem with a '00 306 HDi - but never more than it could
    be tolerated. Though, it used a lot of brakes :)

    Best regards
    EjS, Denmark
    EjS, Dec 13, 2003
  8. Jef Charlier

    SimonDS Guest

    i had this too with pug discs. changed to tarox from larkspeed (same price,
    vented and grooved £80) and 6 months on have no problems with vibration

    SimonDS, Dec 17, 2003
  9. Jef Charlier

    EjS Guest

    i had this too with pug discs. changed to tarox from larkspeed (same
    Amazing that Peugeot cannot make brakes themselves :)

    Anyway - good to know that the problem can actually be solved...

    Best regards
    EjS, Denmark
    EjS, Dec 17, 2003
  10. Jef Charlier

    G.T Guest

    They already make shock absorbers :)
    G.T, Dec 18, 2003
  11. Out of concrete for the 807 :-(

    Ron Robinson
    R. N. Robinson, Dec 18, 2003
  12. Jef Charlier

    EjS Guest

    They already make shock absorbers :)

    I know... I've enjoyed it several times on the secondary roads around my
    parents home :)

    Best regards
    EjS, Dec 18, 2003
  13. Jef Charlier

    VTR16V Guest

    I have also a Peugeot 306 (break) XTDT, the breakes and discs are replaced
    during last service, some 2 months ago. Until now I did drive some 15.000 km
    but no problem with breaking on high speed. Perhaps they have mounted new
    type of breakes and dics?. I usually break, by pushing the pedal 2 times for
    short time and releasing it immediately and then shift back the gears. This
    the breakes stay cool and polished. And they lifetime is much longer.

    Best regards
    (Rotterdam, the netherlands)
    VTR16V, Dec 27, 2003
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