306 TD starting problems

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Graham Scott, Nov 13, 2005.

  1. Graham Scott

    Graham Scott Guest


    Wondering if anyone has any suggestion. Once every few weeks my '98 TD
    will refuse to start with the following symptoms:

    1. When the key is turned to the second position, the radio changes to
    CODE and the speedo and rev counter needles slam all the way round the

    2. On turning the engine, it will make one pathetic attempt to turn
    over and then the battery dies.

    3. After this, any attempts to start it result in a lot of clicking but
    nothing else.

    Jump starting will start the car and it will be as right as rain for
    two or three weeks.

    I'm pulling my hair out over this one. My local garage say the battery
    is fine and they can se no obvious faults. Hopefully someone here has
    seen something similar happen and can help explain what's

    Graham Scott
    Graham Scott, Nov 13, 2005
  2. Graham Scott

    Chris Dugan Guest

    If the alternator is charging the battery fine (battery at about 14v with
    the engine running and anything above 12.25v engine off) then look at a bad
    earth connection, there's one infront of the battery, I think it's on the

    Also try to see if there is any significant current being drawn from the
    battery when the key is out of the ignition and all the interior and
    exterior lights are off, you'll need to insert a multimeter between the
    battery and either of the cars two power leads to see the current being
    drawn - warning: don't attempt to turn over the car when it's connected like
    this! You'll blow the multimeter up or at the least blow the internal fuse.

    Chris Dugan, Nov 13, 2005
  3. They all sound like the battery is flat when you are trying to start

    Radio code re-sets when battery is flat or disconnected

    Won't turn over quickly enough - battery is nearly flat

    Speedo/tach needles moving strangely - they are re-calibrating after
    loosing their settings due to a flat battery.

    You should have approx 10v when cranking (trying to start) across the
    battery and 12.2-12.5v when the car is switched off. You should have
    13.5 - 14v when the car is running (assuming the battery wasn't
    completely flat when you started it).

    As the last poster said check the voltages and these will indicate
    where the problems are. if it is charging OK (13.5-14v when running)
    then either the battery is being drained when the car is stood or the
    battery is duf.
    If it it not charging OK then your alternator is duf - check the belt
    driving it from the engine is tight and connected OK. If that's OK buy
    a re-conditioned alternator.
    A million things to fix, Nov 14, 2005
  4. Graham Scott

    Bo L Guest

    I had the same problem with a 205. It was the bolt/nut by the connection to
    the frame that had loosened. I cleaned it up and tightened the nut. Since
    then had no problems.
    Bo L, Nov 14, 2005
  5. Graham Scott

    Graham Scott Guest

    Thanks for all the replies,

    I've had the car at my regular mechanic today and he reckons all that
    was wrong was that two of the glowpugs were knackered, so I've had all
    four replaced. Just have to wait and see if that solves the problem.

    Graham Scott, Nov 15, 2005
  6. Graham Scott

    Jim Mason Guest

    Can I be forward and ask how much it cost you?

    Jim Mason, Nov 15, 2005
  7. Graham Scott

    Graham Scott Guest


    According to my invoice, 4 x Y923U Glow Plugs cost me £33.20. There
    was labour on top of that but I was having other work done as well so
    it would be unfair to include that I think.

    Graham Scott, Nov 15, 2005
  8. Graham Scott

    Brian Guest


    According to my invoice, 4 x Y923U Glow Plugs cost me £33.20. There
    was labour on top of that but I was having other work done as well so
    it would be unfair to include that I think.

    Though knackered heater plugs certainly affect cold starting, they are
    certainly not what I would have diagnosed given your original description.
    Just be aware that the original problem might raise its ugly head again.
    Brian, Nov 15, 2005
  9. Graham Scott

    Jim Mason Guest

    Cheers for that. I have at least one blown but the back ones look like a
    bit of a job to get to.

    Jim Mason, Nov 16, 2005
  10. Graham Scott

    Graham Scott Guest

    Just to (hopefully) tie this thread off. My problem seems to have been
    solved by a combination of new glow plugs, a new battery, and checking
    and replacing the connectors for the battery.

    Seems to be coping well now, starting first time every morning this
    week, even though there was a half inch of snow on the car in the
    Graham Scott, Nov 19, 2005
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