306 TD Tacho problem

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Stephen Howell, Jul 7, 2003.

  1. Hi,

    I have a 1997 R Reg 306 Turbo Diesel S. The tacho only works for a short
    while after starting the engine. It does seem to be related to the
    temperature of the engine. If dead cold it works for about five minutes.
    If warm it only works for a minute or two. If hot it does not work at
    all. From cold it works fine until it starts to become a bit erratic
    (indicated revs drop) and finally it stops working completely.

    Any ideas? Also, where is the sensor located?

    Thanks in advance.
    Stephen Howell, Jul 7, 2003
  2. Stephen Howell

    S Guest


    Contact this guy, Stuart Dalby with the link below, me and him had the same
    problem, i sent him a pic of the sensor and he has it on his site.


    Common problem though mate,

    S, Jul 7, 2003
  3. Stuart's problem was slightly different - to quote his web site:

    "Occasionally the rev counter just drops to zero as you are driving
    along. It's dead for a couple of minutes and then springs back to life.
    The problem seems to occur more often in damp and cold conditions."

    Stuart did not bother to get his fixed.

    Stew - did you replace your sensor?
    Stephen Howell, Jul 7, 2003
  4. When I had my 205 TD, the tacho started off with a problem like stuart's and
    then progressed to be like yours. A replacement sender unit was only £12
    from my friendly main dealer, but it was an absolute pig to fit, only being
    accessible from under the car with the exhaust off, and then only just.
    On the 205 the sensor is just a friction fit in a hole on the top rear of
    the gearbox bellhousing, near where it bolts on to the engine. It should be
    in the same place on the 306 as they use a largely similar gearbox. Maybe
    on the 306 there is a little more room for access and it will be easier to

    Brian Jennings, Jul 7, 2003
  5. Stephen Howell

    S Guest

    nah, sold the car before fixing it. too many other probs with it!

    S, Jul 8, 2003
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