306 Turbo Diesel wont start

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by dwh, Jan 30, 2007.

  1. dwh

    dwh Guest

    My 306 diesel (M Reg) would not start. AA man visited and after
    disconnecting the fuel feed pipe (to the carbouretter?) noted that
    fuel was dribling out rather than jetting under high pressure.
    I kept turning it over and it eventually started on 3 cylynders and
    then when I connected the pipe, it was fine. Runs OK. However, if
    left for more than about 5 hours, it will not start again.
    I got it going this morning by taking the high pressure feed off again
    and turning the engine over for a long time.

    AA man suggested it might be a leak in the low pressure return - is
    this likely? If so, how can I locate and fix it?


    dwh, Jan 30, 2007
  2. dwh

    Phil Cook Guest

    First off your diesel hasn't got a carburettor, do you mean a fuel
    feed to the injector? I don't think that is a very wise way of
    bleeding the system. It is possible that you have a leak in the low
    pressure side letting air in and thus the fuel is draining back to the
    tank. Have you tried squeezing the manual priming bulb? Keep squeezing
    until you feel resistance there will then be fuel in the system and it
    should start. As for where the leak is, who knows? Check all the
    connections and you might find it.
    Phil Cook, Jan 31, 2007
  3. dwh

    dwh Guest


    Many Thanks for the advice. If nothing, I prove how little I know
    about cars. I knew the diesel did not have a carbouretter, but had no
    idea what to call it.

    I do not use the car daily as I work away from home and the car is
    parked at work for the week. I needed to get the car going to get to
    work on Sunday and will try to get it going to get back home on
    Friday. I just wondered if there was something simple I had missed,
    although I suppose the AA guy would have told me.

    I thought that if the fuel was not being fed into the engine it would
    be because there was no fuel in the reservoir where the fuel filter
    is, however, I checked and it was full. So I just did what the AA man
    had done (removed the fuel feed pipe) and kept turning the engine over
    until it started. I will not remove the pipe this week and will pump
    and hopefully it will be easier.

    Once home, I will check all the connections I can find and then
    probably end up at the garage.

    Once again. Many Thanks
    dwh, Feb 1, 2007
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