307 CD player

Discussion in 'Peugeot 307' started by chris, Sep 5, 2007.

  1. chris

    chris Guest

    Can anyone tell me how to remove the 5 stack CD player from a Peugeot 307
    please? I sucks CDs into the slots, but then refuses to do anything else
    with them. I won't even eject them let alone play them.

    Many thanks
    chris, Sep 5, 2007
  2. chris

    chris Guest

    Sorry, that should read "it sucks CDs....." and "It won't even eject them.."
    chris, Sep 5, 2007
  3. chris

    Paul C Guest

    Ours sometimes does this, but it seems to only do it after using it for a
    long time or its very hot. (hot enough for the orange screen thingy to have
    blank spots and general dimness). Usually ejects the next time the car is
    Paul C, Sep 6, 2007
  4. Mine has started to do this too. I can only get disc number 1 to work.
    Sorry, I dont know how to sort it out though. I keep asking Hubby to have a
    look but he has not got roung to it yet.

    Debbie Harrison, Sep 6, 2007
  5. chris

    Chris Hodges Guest

    I think you could've stopped here ^
    Chris Hodges, Sep 6, 2007
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