Hi there, My 2003 model Peugeot 307 is having some cruise control problems and I wonder if anyone had similar experiences. I use a freeway that is 17 km long. It is relatively flat and I would normally choose the cruising lane to minimalise traffic congestion from behind. Because I mainly use this freeway, it only has happened there that I have noticed. While using the freeway and the cruise control is set at the particular speed, on a rare occasions the cruise control just disengages. The breaks nor the clutch were applied at all and my feet were not there. The frequencies increased just a little bit where instead of one time per couple of days, it sometimes would be a couple of times in one trip. I though that if I reset the cruise control by switching it off and then on and set it again at the desirable speed, the problem would have gone away but not quite so. Today was particularly odd. The cruise control disengaged over six times in the 17 km freeway stretch. The problem is starting to become a steady problem rather than an intermittent problem. Because this happened while coming from work today, I haven't the chance to call my regular Peugeot dealer. Has anyone experienced this problem and had a successful rectification or is it better to see the dealer on the next service. Kindest regards