307 Data bus

Discussion in 'Peugeot 307' started by Stephen Woolhead, Apr 13, 2004.

  1. Has anyone here interface a PC to the 307's wiring bus to be able to read
    data such as RPM and speed?

    I have been looking around and know the the car is wired with multiple CAN
    busses (http://www.peugeot-avenue.com/) and would like to avoid having to
    build my own CAN-Serial device if someone knows of anyone selling such a

    I found these http://www.dgtech.com/product/dpa3/dpa3.php, but at $800 thats
    way to much for a bit of fun project. I would imagine in the end I will end
    up knocking something together with and AVR or something simlar.

    Also if anyone knows a list of command codes and protocol format that would
    be a big help aswell!


    Stephen Woolhead, Apr 13, 2004
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