307 exhaust fixed, finally, but...

Discussion in 'Peugeot 307' started by Androo, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. Androo

    Androo Guest

    Peugeot fitted a new type of flexible mounting to our 307 1.6, and finally
    it seems to be okay. The squeaking and clunking has disappeared and the car
    seems moderately refined for a change. The engine sounds quieter. Fingers
    crossed it will stay that way.

    However, the glovebox saga continues. After the handle broke off, they
    replaced the whole lid at a jaunty angle (compared with the rest of the
    dashboard). They have tried to fix it, but can't. So they're ordering a
    second glovebox lid to see if that fits better. Hmmm.

    My advice to you 307 owners: be careful with your glove box.

    Androo, Aug 16, 2004
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