307 FAP filter

Discussion in 'Peugeot 307' started by Barney, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. Barney

    Barney Guest

    I'm getting the "Unblock Diesel Filter" message on my 307. I have had the
    FAP liquid (can't remember what it is actually called) topped up as it was
    low and could have been a symptom of the message (apparently). I'm begining
    to think that the filter does actually have to be changed. I spoke to one
    Peugeot garage and was told (after giving them my VIN) that it was a first
    generation filter and should be changed after 48K. When I bought the car it
    had 42K on it and the garage told me they were going to give it the main 48K
    service prior to collection. I feel that if the garage agreed to do a 48K
    service, even though the milage was only 42K then they should have changed
    the filter at the same time. The car has now done 53K and the error message
    keeps popping up every now and then. I haven't contacted the Peugeot garage
    I purchased the car fom yet - still feeling the water.
    Barney, Oct 8, 2007
  2. Barney

    Brian Guest

    Are you brave enough to take the filter off the car yourself? It is the one
    in the centre of the exhaust with the heat shield under it. It has 2 pipes
    going into it, one at each end, and a temperature sensor halfway down.
    I took mine off and reverse flushed it with several kettle-fulls of boiling
    water, interspaced with blowing out with compressed air. I did this until no
    more white residue (the ash which clogs the filter) came out, then dried it
    out for a bit and put it back on the car.
    Apart from a bit of steam out the back when I first started it up, all was
    well, and the message has not returned. It has now done about 7k miles since
    PSA do do an exchange unit for this at somewhere near £200, but many garages
    try to get you to buy a new filter at nearer £500.
    All PSA do is wash it out and send it back.
    Brian, Oct 8, 2007
  3. Barney

    Barney Guest

    I could probably have a go myself but the main issue for me is should the
    garage have done it when they serviced it and would they be liable now?
    Barney, Oct 9, 2007
  4. Barney

    Brian Guest

    I could probably have a go myself but the main issue for me is should the
    Why not ask them why they didn't change it? Certainly Peugeot do say that
    the early filters will need cleaning out or changing at about 48k, which
    co-incides with topping up the additive.
    Whether they consider this to be a standard part of the 48k service though I
    don't know.
    Brian, Oct 10, 2007
  5. Barney

    Barney Guest

    I was told by one Peugeot garage that the filter is only changed if the
    warning light has come on or the customer request it. Been driving it for a
    few months with the "Unblock diesel filter" message with no ill effects
    until yesterday. Just got on the motorway when the normal message came up
    about the filter but this was followed by the ESP failure light and
    anti-polluntion filter error. The next thing I know is some sort of limiter
    has kicked in which means I couldn't go above 2500 rpm. At this rpm I could
    travel at 75-80 mph in5th so carried on to my destination. Stopped over
    night and on the return journey everything was back to normal. Drove
    normally, no limiter and strangely enough no diesel filter message (this
    always pops up evey time the car is driven recently). Still think I had best
    book it in to get the filter changed though.
    Barney, Dec 2, 2007
  6. Barney

    Chrs Guest

    Water in eletrics some where?
    Chrs, Dec 3, 2007
  7. Barney

    Barney Guest

    Hadn't thought of that - naturally assumed it was something to do with the
    FAP filter again. Mind you, it wasn't raining yesterday when the problems
    Barney, Dec 3, 2007
  8. Barney

    Chrs Guest

    Water might of got in some where and sat waiting to move
    Chrs, Dec 3, 2007
  9. Barney

    Chrs Guest

    When we do a service we change ALL the filters if they need it or
    not,as that what make the engine run better,for a couple of pounds its
    worth changing the filters.
    Chrs, Dec 3, 2007
  10. Barney

    Barney Guest

    I have been quoted a figure in the region of £350 to have the FAP filter
    Barney, Dec 3, 2007
  11. Barney

    Brian Guest

    The FAP filter on the HDI is the particle filter in the exhaust pipe. I
    cleaned mine out by back flushing it with boiling water, but the dealer will
    either just do an exchange for a cleaned one, or try and con you into buying
    a new one at over £500.
    The exchange item is about half of this, plus labour, so we are not talking
    of a couple of quid.
    Brian, Dec 3, 2007
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